OK, so the post you've been waiting for.
I finally figured out all my pics but the ones from Gala weren't cooperating so you'll have to go HERE to view them on my facebook page.
And as for my weekend, well I ended up down in Toronto and saw The Incredible Hulk with George (my boy).
I finally figured out all my pics but the ones from Gala weren't cooperating so you'll have to go HERE to view them on my facebook page.
And as for my weekend, well I ended up down in Toronto and saw The Incredible Hulk with George (my boy).
And when we got out of the movie (since we were at the AMC at Dundas Square), we come out of the building to see this.....
Then there's been work and trying to write more of my book, and reading Stranger in a Strange Land which is AWESOME by the way!!! I love it!!! It's so funny!!! Well, I think it's funny. Very clever and intelligent. I know others don't like it but I'm loving it so far.
So ya, that's all for now everybody! HAVE FUN AND STAY HAPPY!!!!
(I know I'm trying to )
im in school in drawing building!
Things are good hun! How are you?