Here is a small charm that I invented because I was in need. It's a charm to alleviate depression

Bay leaves (preferred dried because fresh would rot)
small bag/pouch (preferrably cloth)
paper (any kind)
Now write down a prayer or a plea or a symbol you feel is befitting your situation. I wrote to Isis, you can do whateveryou wish. Place the paper and the bay leaves in the little bag and place it somewhere you spend alot of time. I put mine under my pillow but you could put it in your purse, wallet, whatever.
Now if you haven't realize I'm a bit of a witch and as always, this sort of thing only works if you believe it will.
If you're wondering why I did this perhaps you'll want to read my previous post. Or not, whatever you wish.n

Here is a small charm that I invented because I was in need. It's a charm to alleviate depression

Bay leaves (preferred dried because fresh would rot)
small bag/pouch (preferrably cloth)
paper (any kind)
Now write down a prayer or a plea or a symbol you feel is befitting your situation. I wrote to Isis, you can do whateveryou wish. Place the paper and the bay leaves in the little bag and place it somewhere you spend alot of time. I put mine under my pillow but you could put it in your purse, wallet, whatever.
Now if you haven't realize I'm a bit of a witch and as always, this sort of thing only works if you believe it will.
If you're wondering why I did this perhaps you'll want to read my previous post. Or not, whatever you wish.n

thanks for your kind words, they mean alot