Salome (pron. Saul-lo-may) and Isabeau. How do those sound for little girl names? 

Had a dream where I met my daughters and they introduced themselves with these names a long time ago, and I've had similar dreams ever since.

Working again this weekend, Saturday and Sunday.
, but it's money int he bank I guess. I hate that this job is cutting into my time with George, since we usually have weekends together, but he's finishing work within the next week (he's a teacher), so it'll be a little better then.
Also.....I'M MOVING IN 10 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My first apartment. YAY!!!!! ANd it means I'm out of this hell hole! Ugh! God I hate this house. It has such a horrible feeling to it. And the Boring Twins (my roommates Brianna and Shawn), are fighting so it just makes it worse. Their very precense seems to affront me. I can't even be around them for my body even rejects their presence. It's horrible. This house is so sad and angry. I feel sorry for it.
But I'm moving!!!!1 YAY!!!!

Hope everyone is having fun now that it's summer!!!!!

Had a dream where I met my daughters and they introduced themselves with these names a long time ago, and I've had similar dreams ever since.

Working again this weekend, Saturday and Sunday.

Also.....I'M MOVING IN 10 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My first apartment. YAY!!!!! ANd it means I'm out of this hell hole! Ugh! God I hate this house. It has such a horrible feeling to it. And the Boring Twins (my roommates Brianna and Shawn), are fighting so it just makes it worse. Their very precense seems to affront me. I can't even be around them for my body even rejects their presence. It's horrible. This house is so sad and angry. I feel sorry for it.

But I'm moving!!!!1 YAY!!!!

Hope everyone is having fun now that it's summer!!!!!
So ya...July 7, the day after my b-day is when we're getting all my ladies together and going to the pealers!! Let me know if you wanna come!! I'd love for you to be there!!