Ugh, this past weekend has been weird. One of my roommates moved out Tuesday night, which mean he's breaking the lease but he had good reason. Another roommate (Shawn), had threatened his life whilst they were fighting. Not a good scene.
This meant - at the time - that the Naked & Famous art collective art shows were all concelled because Jai was the co-chair, but Brianna has worked it out, so even The Body Show is going up, although I don't know how successful it's going to be without Jai. I don't think I'm going to submit this time.
Also, I'm moving in July!!!!!!!! July 3rd to be exact.

I'm SOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!! THis will be my first apartment. And not having so many people around all the time will be good. I've been constantly surrounded by people for about 3 years now and I haven't always liiked it. You know those times when you just want to be alone, well, in a full house, you can never truly be alone. *sigh*

Things are settled in the house now, Brianna and Shawn are being really nice to everyone, though I don't buy it for a second. They're both dillusional, decceptive, manipulative weasels.
Also, it was George's birthday this weekend!!!!! Hehehehe he turned the Big Three-O on Saturday.
And he's sexy as ever!!!!!! So ya, this weekend was full of lots of kisses and super intense sex! YAY ME!!! I love that man more than life! I'm going to marry him one day 

Hope everyone's having fun!!
This meant - at the time - that the Naked & Famous art collective art shows were all concelled because Jai was the co-chair, but Brianna has worked it out, so even The Body Show is going up, although I don't know how successful it's going to be without Jai. I don't think I'm going to submit this time.
Also, I'm moving in July!!!!!!!! July 3rd to be exact.


Things are settled in the house now, Brianna and Shawn are being really nice to everyone, though I don't buy it for a second. They're both dillusional, decceptive, manipulative weasels.
Also, it was George's birthday this weekend!!!!! Hehehehe he turned the Big Three-O on Saturday.

Hope everyone's having fun!!