What have I got to say??
Bush got re-elected so what, thank fuck i don't live in the states!! If these conservative governments continue there will be social revolution (that is if everyone can stop watching Australian Idol, get over their i-pod's and realise there is more to life than a good spray-on tan). If you don't believe me have a look at the Australian political culture during the 60's. Ok thats more of a dare cos it's a fantastic and little known cure for insomnia.
My dad lost his job that sux but he got a good deal out of it.
I'm probably going to have new job (same place) come January with a very nice pay rise....maybe I should move out of home and give up my sheltered existence!
Did too many drugs on the weekend with manda_moo but it had to be done. The house did get a thorough cleaning out of it and little Placebo in the morning always takes the edge off.
Bush got re-elected so what, thank fuck i don't live in the states!! If these conservative governments continue there will be social revolution (that is if everyone can stop watching Australian Idol, get over their i-pod's and realise there is more to life than a good spray-on tan). If you don't believe me have a look at the Australian political culture during the 60's. Ok thats more of a dare cos it's a fantastic and little known cure for insomnia.
My dad lost his job that sux but he got a good deal out of it.
I'm probably going to have new job (same place) come January with a very nice pay rise....maybe I should move out of home and give up my sheltered existence!
Did too many drugs on the weekend with manda_moo but it had to be done. The house did get a thorough cleaning out of it and little Placebo in the morning always takes the edge off.
i need more RAM
need to travel at the speed of spped,
need a new noise
sick of my toys.
i'll post a pic when i get home and my internet usage isnt monitered. i'm sick of being told by my boss that i look at "very interesting" web pages
[Edited on Nov 19, 2004 4:55PM]