Greetings sg people! I love you babydolls! I hope your day is going wonderful. I sure do need an update fo you here.
Being the narcissistic human being I am, I often analyze myself and think about what I like and what I can improve. I do this every once in a while cause I like to be as good as I can be. Yes, I am very lonely and I spend way too much time thinking to myself, I so know that.
Anyway, I came up with a silly thought that totally made me giggle and would love to share. Remember from the age of 12 all the way through high school? didn't you find your parents so unbareably embarassing? I did. but now I think my dad is the coolest thing since sliced bread, which is indeed an incredible thing. Think about some of the things you do that your kid or you hypathetical kid would find embarassing about you. here are some of mine:
I cry at EVERY movie. no matter what it is, something will make me emotional, guarunteed.
I know more words to Air Supply songs than you could shake a stick at. I think Destiny's Child is fun to dance to in the car.
All of my socks have an unbelieveable amount of holes.
I think wearing a pocket protector is a good idea. MY pens NEVER explode in my lab jacket no matter how much you laugh.
I have this ancient Led Zeppelin shirt from 8th grade with holes and the iron on thing is falling off. I love it and wear it all the time.
I talk to everyone and anyone everywhere I go. I talk to the cashier, waitresses, bartenders, people in the store, everyone at work, just random people. I call everyone honey and darling and am a ridiculous flirt. if someone will speak to me in spanish I get all excited to talk with them.
I check out 18 year old boys. hey, they are cute. we all take a sneaky look checking out younger people and I know you're guilty too. which takes me to my next.
The 18 year old boys check ME out. The pull up beside me when I am walking and tell me what a hot mom I am. or in the mall, I get looks and smiles and hi's. I get asked out by random people. and practically all the guys at work have a thing for me. not because I think it, but because most of them told me so. Most people think I am 18-21 years old. nice.
I sing all the time, I dance in department stores, I don't drive a cool car.
I wear pink sunglasses in the shape of hearts, pigtails, and incredibly short skirts.
I don't plan on ever dying my grey hair ever again.
I will probably think it's still cool to wear this when I am 40:
and above all, I don't care. I like me and I am very comfortable.
I feel good about myself, but I know realistically that birds fly, cats meow, and all children are embarassed of their parents. my poor little Emily. hehe.
so tell me about you, darlings, what are some of the things you do that your kid or you hypathetical kid would find embarassing about you? come on, you know you're dorky. share with me damn it!
until next time,
Being the narcissistic human being I am, I often analyze myself and think about what I like and what I can improve. I do this every once in a while cause I like to be as good as I can be. Yes, I am very lonely and I spend way too much time thinking to myself, I so know that.
Anyway, I came up with a silly thought that totally made me giggle and would love to share. Remember from the age of 12 all the way through high school? didn't you find your parents so unbareably embarassing? I did. but now I think my dad is the coolest thing since sliced bread, which is indeed an incredible thing. Think about some of the things you do that your kid or you hypathetical kid would find embarassing about you. here are some of mine:
I cry at EVERY movie. no matter what it is, something will make me emotional, guarunteed.
I know more words to Air Supply songs than you could shake a stick at. I think Destiny's Child is fun to dance to in the car.
All of my socks have an unbelieveable amount of holes.
I think wearing a pocket protector is a good idea. MY pens NEVER explode in my lab jacket no matter how much you laugh.
I have this ancient Led Zeppelin shirt from 8th grade with holes and the iron on thing is falling off. I love it and wear it all the time.
I talk to everyone and anyone everywhere I go. I talk to the cashier, waitresses, bartenders, people in the store, everyone at work, just random people. I call everyone honey and darling and am a ridiculous flirt. if someone will speak to me in spanish I get all excited to talk with them.
I check out 18 year old boys. hey, they are cute. we all take a sneaky look checking out younger people and I know you're guilty too. which takes me to my next.
The 18 year old boys check ME out. The pull up beside me when I am walking and tell me what a hot mom I am. or in the mall, I get looks and smiles and hi's. I get asked out by random people. and practically all the guys at work have a thing for me. not because I think it, but because most of them told me so. Most people think I am 18-21 years old. nice.
I sing all the time, I dance in department stores, I don't drive a cool car.
I wear pink sunglasses in the shape of hearts, pigtails, and incredibly short skirts.
I don't plan on ever dying my grey hair ever again.
I will probably think it's still cool to wear this when I am 40:

and above all, I don't care. I like me and I am very comfortable.

so tell me about you, darlings, what are some of the things you do that your kid or you hypathetical kid would find embarassing about you? come on, you know you're dorky. share with me damn it!
until next time,

But, yeah, it does get easier to accept yourself as time goes on.
Well i didn't have the pleasure of my dad embarassing me, he passed away from cancer when i was 12. best dad ever tho! really close to my mom so nothing embarassed me untill she went thru a drinking phase and went out to eat after with all of us. taht was the only thing.
I never thought of any kids think of me as embarassing, neices, nephews, cousins, they all love to have their friends over or come to town with them to say "See he's the best, you will never be bored!" i wish i could have that now. I'm working so much and get tired easily so i don't see them so often. some are embarassed when we watch movies, some say i'm loud and i do "get into" the movie too much. i'm not this guy, "Oh don't do that!" me, I laugh out loud, and say "Yeah!" "NO!" and stuff like that.
sorry Schoolgirl the the long comment... :|