When I get home on leave I am obviously keen to enjoy intimate relations with my wife (aged 40) after a few weeks of absence.
The problem is that she is also so eager to 'make up for lost time' that she frequently has an orgasm as we embrace inside the front door.
see netdoctor.co.uk for more details. teaser: the answer begins with I suppose your query is serious, is it?
well, that's so bad... simply imagine you'd be having such a problem, and the oh-so-reliable netdoctor bursts out laughing. how unfair is that.
The problem is that she is also so eager to 'make up for lost time' that she frequently has an orgasm as we embrace inside the front door.
see netdoctor.co.uk for more details. teaser: the answer begins with I suppose your query is serious, is it?
well, that's so bad... simply imagine you'd be having such a problem, and the oh-so-reliable netdoctor bursts out laughing. how unfair is that.