pancakes...and i'd rather by on my couch...
so happy it's sunday.
and i am actully quite proud of myself for having done so much ebaying...a huge pile is sitting in my living room - and a big trash bag as well. need to throw out some stuff i haven't looked at at all during the last few years. so i don't need to keep it.
started reading shawna kenney's i was a teenage dominatrix last night.
i adore her for her great contributions to herbivore magazine. she is an impressive woman. makes me want to write again. i think i should take classes, creative writing, should really do more in that field since i spend so much time in front of my computer anyways...there's still that dream of a travel book writer. and photographer.
need to go upstaires and meet my neighbors in a bit to talk about the garden, i guess i'll let them know that they can do whatever they want since i won't be here much soon...
made the most amazin pancakes - pumpkin pancakes - thanks to
yeah - life is exciting.
so happy it's sunday.
and i am actully quite proud of myself for having done so much ebaying...a huge pile is sitting in my living room - and a big trash bag as well. need to throw out some stuff i haven't looked at at all during the last few years. so i don't need to keep it.
started reading shawna kenney's i was a teenage dominatrix last night.
i adore her for her great contributions to herbivore magazine. she is an impressive woman. makes me want to write again. i think i should take classes, creative writing, should really do more in that field since i spend so much time in front of my computer anyways...there's still that dream of a travel book writer. and photographer.
need to go upstaires and meet my neighbors in a bit to talk about the garden, i guess i'll let them know that they can do whatever they want since i won't be here much soon...
made the most amazin pancakes - pumpkin pancakes - thanks to
yeah - life is exciting.