The boy and me are together for 2 years today <3 I'm still very much in love and I wouldn't want to be without him (although all the hot girls here are welcome too, haha)
My life lately:
+ Iceland the 27th of september
+ Lotje, Maarten and me being very happy
+ I feel nice, still managing without the antidepressants!
- Grandfather being so sad in the nursing home. We did have a lovely day yesterday, it was his birthday and we took him home and celebrated and ate a lot (I had 5 pieces of pie)
- Dyed my hair so many times it broke off (irony)
And Apelincoln belated congrats! (I did message you, did you get it?)
Also, you all have to go and take a look at Renna her new set, it's adorable and very pretty!
My to do list before I go:
* Buy Red Wing shoes (very tough boots, very me

* Dance and party (this wednesday party #1)! Go and do a beer menu (lots of beer and snacks)
* Save more money, luckily I'm working my ass off
* Shoot a new set, again!
* Celebrate my birthday maybe (it's on the 3th of october)


thank you hunny!