I miss Maarten!
And worse of all: as some of you know, Lotje got sterilized. I felt bad enough as it is, but they told me it's better for the little dog (no males humping her, no uterus infections etc). But then her belly got really thick on monday, there seemed to be some sort of blood accumulation underneath her skin. And then it started bleeding! It didn't stop and blood was everywhere. AAAAH Panic, Suzy all alone, Maarten not here, Lotje sick. AAAAAH. I went to the vet and she examined baby Lotje. It's an infection, she got a little injection and anti-biotics.
Lotje is still happy and a busy-bee, as ever! But it scared the hell out of me!

And I passed my exam and as of now I'm a bachelor of science. HELL YEAH

How's the little one now? It is so scarey when they get sick. Jonah got really sick when he was about one and I nearly didn't go to my bro's wedding I was so worried about him. Luckily came out of it okay. I'm sure Lotje will be the same.