Me and my Channel nerd glasses

+ old hair color
Ok. So I think to much when I'm sad. Maarten and I are great together and we will get trough this. He is right: 'it's the pills and we can handle this together' He left for an MTB vacation lsat night, I already miss him.
Out of boredom I cleaned the whole house. Maybe it had to do with me not wanting to study for my exam too. Hahahah. Tomorrow I will study, I repeat I will study. Because if I pass this I will be a bachelor of science, yeaha!
I looked trough all my blogs here on SG, I have a pretty fun life!

And lot's of great friends and people that I met on here that became friends too! Thanks everyone for putting up with me
Oh and I might shoot a set with
Waikiki. Hope I'm not to blown away by her pretty appearance

And I have a lot of upcoming shoots for MM, what are your opinions about MM? I frankly don't want to go to a shoot alone.

Tired, but white-blonde freckled Suzy
Baby Lotje got her sterilization

It was aweful leaving her there, all alone. Maarten and I cried, h don't judge she is our baby and she makes me so happy. When we came to pick her up, she was al happy and everything went well. She was just a little uncoordinated. I love her
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
And last call: comment my sets, tag them!
Tomorrow I'm going to delete a lot of them!
[EDIT] House M.D. and Breakfast in Amsterdam are deleted. They had the least amount of comments [/EDIT]
There are some great hopeful sets in member review too:
have some gorgeous sets, they will be live in no time!!
Bring it on!