Hi, my real name is Susan Maria Lucia Anna L. and I look way tired. I've been studying and getting up early, but I'm not used to it. And tuesday I went to a party and drank alcohol again, bad bad me.
I'm looking forward to a whole lot of things, hopefully I won't jinx any bad feelings or something by making a list of them:
SGNL horrorthon meeting at Apelincoln and his lovely girl PixieBelle
Writing a letter to the quiz winner: Joaquin? Is he from here? I also had some livejournal people compete
Amsterdam tattoo convention
Shooting a set with 2dshadowland, maybe Abbiss will be there too, hope my awesome idea works out
Doing a set with another cool dude from here! Isn't sure yet, let's hope he will fly over (did I make you curious yet?)
Studying more
Partying more
My internships that start next academic year, I'm sooo ready!
Maybe Korsakoff the weekend after the meeting?
I had fun with my shirt!
I wanted P_mod to see a picture of me in the gothic dress I pied on (this was in the quiz too), but couldn't find it So here is another oldie I really like
+ All go welcome elektro_cute, she is this sweet dutch girl I gave an account. She is an awesome photographer too!
I crack myself up btw, look at my profile sentence, hahaha. Have been laughing over it all week/B]
Damn me, I keep adding to this post hhahaha
I just joined some amazing groups I had never seen, and for the first time ever I'm active on the boards. yay for me. + I accepted the fact that I will always have dysthymn disorder. Bigger yay!
Mijn vriendin werk nog niet, volgende week heeft ze wel een solicitatie gesprek in Maastricht, so fingers crossed. En ja ik ben volgende week de hele week aant werk, op dinsdag na.
Heb ook zin in komend weekend!!!!
ps. It's Dysthymic Disorder.
yes my eldest she'll be 5 this year and the youngest will be 3.
I'm too young when I have my first baby
I already send an email for the hopefuls tee i'm so excited...