Me before all this shit, really happy
I got the advice not to shut myself off and just talk/vent here. Some of you are really lovely and caring people!

So... my grandfather is still not doing well, he will never be able to live on his own again, he will never walk again. The most positive thinking will only get him in a wheelchair. I was there today and he just kept falling asleep while I was talking to him. It was really sad

As for myself: I'm trying to make the best out of things. I will get better and my life goes on. Tomorrow I'll have another meeting about my scientific study about microcirculation. Also I might make a website on which I'll sell some of my paintings (not sure about this yet). Maarten and I are going to London 9/10/11 november <3
And my tonguepiercing, tunnels, both of my nipple piercing and the dermal anchor in my neck are out for good. I'm done with them. Still got my attitude and vivid imagination though

Thanks for all the sweet words and my apologies for not being that active at the moment