Proud of myself because on vacation I drove this old russian car even though I hadn't been driving for so long now. Proud proud proud! It was really cheap there and I bought some cute stuff like Hello Kitty necklace and magnet and a pair of pants. I also bought one kg of vanillasugar. I'm a baking ho!
Hungaria photos: bullshit only no countryside pictures :/
Then the promised pictures of me getting a tattoo!
Also I died my hair two days ago! yay It's whitish again but with a pink glow, only the roots didn't absorb the color. Hard to explain, just wait for the pictures. I love it, feel more like me with white hair and the brown wasn't to my liking in the end. I'm such a libra.
Today I also painted my house (kitchen and living room) in some sort of blue. Like azur blue. Tomorrow I'm going to paint the bedroom red/pinkish, hopefully it will be a manly color because I don't want my boy to feel gay. hahaha. It will look nice with candles and all the other stuff I plan to do to the room
Have you seen this already?
SuzyAnn - breakfast in Amsterdam
A naked me. Gggrrrrr. Tomorrow I'm going to make and upload a video of myself. I will have more change to go pink then. I WANT TO GO PINK.
Luckily I've a lot of other stuff to do and going pink is not my main goal in life. haha.
Photoshoot with Bite
Getting a new dermal, maybe two. My boy had the cutest idea and we're going to do it.
Party with AndreaLavazarro
Fuck a lot
Paint some cute stuff
Btw go check out Abbiss her video. It's so cute