Ever wonder what goes on in the wee hours of the morning?
If you look very closely in the background you can see a container being loaded onto my trailer at the port of Los Angeles. Anyone want to go to Atlanta!
Edited to add:
Tonight was both bad and good. The broker that I got my load from did not give me all the information that I needed to pick up the container at the port of Los Angeles. That really sucked, and I couldnt find the place I was suposed to be, the directions were wrong, and the automaded system did not have any. It was a really bum deal.
Then I wound up getting the can loaded. forgot to change the setting on my Canon when I was taking the pics of it going on so it didnt really turn out to well. (I had it set for mid day use). After I was loaded and secuerd I puled out onto SR-47, then up the I710 to the 90 frwy, on over the 60 and out 10 to where I am now in Coachella.
Tonight I really reflected on how magical my job can be somtimes. I really enjoy the night time, expecially on nights like tonight. Just about dark a few off and on sprinkles started up. About 11 pacific time the thunder and lightning started in pretty heavy. It was absoultly beautiful over the city and surrounding hills. One expecially awe inspring vantage I had was from where I was staged waiting in line at the container yard, I could see over the tops of the buildings accrost the street where the Queen Mary is docked in Long Beach harbor. Through her stacks I could see the lightning glow and burn through the midnight sky. As I pulled out and rode out of the Long Beach area the storme continued as I pushed east. At times there would only be small strikes, others much bigger that would light the hood of the truck up as though it were daylight.
I love the longer sustained strikes like that. I have always enjoyed watching them and how they would take a moist murky dark day and turn it so bright and vibrant for just a few seconds. It is funny, somthing so beautiful can be so deadly.
This is why I love what I do so much though, had I been working any normal job, I would have never seen what I had tonight. It would have passed in the wee hours of the morning as I slept in bed like a good little worker bee, slumbering away while all of this magnificant storm faded into oblivion.
I wound up running with another truck part of the way out of the city. It was pretty neat because we both have spend a good deal of time lighitng our trucks up. There we were just the 2 of us running down the road, 2 strangers who had never met face to fact chatting like old chums over the CB radio, admireing the storm for all it had to offer.
Now I am going to go to bed, and while the rest of the world is buisy running its rat race, I shall be sleeping away, only to rise again this afternoon after the hustle and bussle of life has died down, and the world is once mine to roam again. Good night!
If you look very closely in the background you can see a container being loaded onto my trailer at the port of Los Angeles. Anyone want to go to Atlanta!

Edited to add:
Tonight was both bad and good. The broker that I got my load from did not give me all the information that I needed to pick up the container at the port of Los Angeles. That really sucked, and I couldnt find the place I was suposed to be, the directions were wrong, and the automaded system did not have any. It was a really bum deal.
Then I wound up getting the can loaded. forgot to change the setting on my Canon when I was taking the pics of it going on so it didnt really turn out to well. (I had it set for mid day use). After I was loaded and secuerd I puled out onto SR-47, then up the I710 to the 90 frwy, on over the 60 and out 10 to where I am now in Coachella.
Tonight I really reflected on how magical my job can be somtimes. I really enjoy the night time, expecially on nights like tonight. Just about dark a few off and on sprinkles started up. About 11 pacific time the thunder and lightning started in pretty heavy. It was absoultly beautiful over the city and surrounding hills. One expecially awe inspring vantage I had was from where I was staged waiting in line at the container yard, I could see over the tops of the buildings accrost the street where the Queen Mary is docked in Long Beach harbor. Through her stacks I could see the lightning glow and burn through the midnight sky. As I pulled out and rode out of the Long Beach area the storme continued as I pushed east. At times there would only be small strikes, others much bigger that would light the hood of the truck up as though it were daylight.
I love the longer sustained strikes like that. I have always enjoyed watching them and how they would take a moist murky dark day and turn it so bright and vibrant for just a few seconds. It is funny, somthing so beautiful can be so deadly.
This is why I love what I do so much though, had I been working any normal job, I would have never seen what I had tonight. It would have passed in the wee hours of the morning as I slept in bed like a good little worker bee, slumbering away while all of this magnificant storm faded into oblivion.
I wound up running with another truck part of the way out of the city. It was pretty neat because we both have spend a good deal of time lighitng our trucks up. There we were just the 2 of us running down the road, 2 strangers who had never met face to fact chatting like old chums over the CB radio, admireing the storm for all it had to offer.
Now I am going to go to bed, and while the rest of the world is buisy running its rat race, I shall be sleeping away, only to rise again this afternoon after the hustle and bussle of life has died down, and the world is once mine to roam again. Good night!

one state I know that you can watch some pretty nice ones is Ohio. its pretty flat. so you can see a storm coming in from miles away. like just leaving Cleveland and watching a storm rolling into Columbus!
that is pretty wicked, I will admit!