You know, I really dont like involving myself in Dramatics, expecially when it is happening on such a large scale as is on SG right now with some of the more seinor SG's dropping off like flies. Allthough with the situation being what it is, and seeing peoples reactions, I feel it is time to speak my mind.
Somthing that I have always had a great ability to do is look at things from some one elses point of view and figure out what drives them and makes them tick and do what they do. I am fairly familiar with a few of the girls that just disapeard. One thing I noticed with them all is that they had all stopped contrubuting to this site. All that was really left was a pretty picture and look at me look at me look at me.
Of the Girls who just self ejected or got the Zot, you had Highly publicised breakups, Drug problems, burn outs, self destruction and self loathing. I see that today, being a SG is more than being just simply a Pin up. SG's have become role models, not just pretty faces to look at. For this fact, I dont know that what has been going on is such a bad thing, we are losing people whom wert nessicarily good role models.
I have known for a while that some of these girls leaving were starting thier own site, I am not going to throw out the name of the thing because, well, I think it is going to be a miserable failure, and I do not like the pretext on which it has been started. You have allot of people there, starting a site who are pretty bitter for allot of different reasons. That isnt going to make for a positve experience. One of which in her last journal actually blasted a bunch of things about how terrible men are, and how this site couldnt be trulty great because it is owned by a man. I think this attitude is really really stupid, and not only that, it is sexist. And this seems to be the attitude of the girls that have started this other site. I know you wont find me over there, I think it is going to be a shrine of man hatered. To me it isnt about what gender some one is, it is about weather or not they are a good person. So to that I have to say good bye and good ridence.
I was lucky enough to happen to see SG on a friends comp as it were just starting, I thought the site was pretty cool then, allthough I really didnt jump onboard till early this year. The thing I noticed about the site then though, it it was nothing of what it is today. As memory serves it started out just as a pictures only site with journals. Since then it has grown into what it is today. (oh my god, I just refered to 20XX years with sense of nostalga!
Instead of whining and bitching about how terrible it is that these girls chose to opt out and leave the site, or that they were such miserable human beings that the site kicked them, I am going to do somthing positve. I am going to put up my choice pics from the up and coming SG's who I think are note worthy.
1. Cherries - Is absolutly awsome, she is by far one of the best people that I have ever met. Going back to my previous statements about role models, I would have no reservations in saying that she is about as good as it gets!
2. Sid - Emo and adorable, Come one you know everyone loves Sid, you cant help but not to! As well, she gets a ton of comments and so on, but she will actually make an effort to reply to people. I respect that allot about her.
3. AnnaLee - from "the depths of a black lake in Scotland" and a taxidermist to boot. I have talked with her a bit back and forth in journal posts, she is a pretty awsome girl. As well she is extreemly talented artistcally, and is also a taxidirmist! One of the biggest reasons thought that I think that she is note worthy, is that she is so non cookie cutter! Truly unique!
4. Amina - Allthough by no means new to the site, I am extreemly impressed with her as a human being. The reason that I am refering to her in an up and coming list though is simply I think that now she is really just starting to shine, and cannot wait to see what is to come from her.
5. Jessie - Is extreemly creative and talented. She does allot with Cosplay, and granted it isnt even my thing, but I really respect her for it because of the fact that she has made many many costumes that look really awsome. As well she is just a geek girl, and we all know we love them! It is kind of sad to me though, after her set went up she took one hell of allot of negativity from some people on this site saying that she didnt belong and so forth because she isnt all pierced and tatooed up. Personally I dont care if she ever does because she has enogh personality and the looks to carry herself.
6. Squeak - Her most recent set was one of the best that I have ever seen, I thought it was very well done. And the concept was so very original, I still laugh every time I look at it. I havent really talked to her at all though, but I would definatley have to say she is talented from what I have seen of her.
Well there you go, my picks, what you were hoping for a top ten list? fuck you im being a non conformist!
Somthing that I have always had a great ability to do is look at things from some one elses point of view and figure out what drives them and makes them tick and do what they do. I am fairly familiar with a few of the girls that just disapeard. One thing I noticed with them all is that they had all stopped contrubuting to this site. All that was really left was a pretty picture and look at me look at me look at me.
Of the Girls who just self ejected or got the Zot, you had Highly publicised breakups, Drug problems, burn outs, self destruction and self loathing. I see that today, being a SG is more than being just simply a Pin up. SG's have become role models, not just pretty faces to look at. For this fact, I dont know that what has been going on is such a bad thing, we are losing people whom wert nessicarily good role models.
I have known for a while that some of these girls leaving were starting thier own site, I am not going to throw out the name of the thing because, well, I think it is going to be a miserable failure, and I do not like the pretext on which it has been started. You have allot of people there, starting a site who are pretty bitter for allot of different reasons. That isnt going to make for a positve experience. One of which in her last journal actually blasted a bunch of things about how terrible men are, and how this site couldnt be trulty great because it is owned by a man. I think this attitude is really really stupid, and not only that, it is sexist. And this seems to be the attitude of the girls that have started this other site. I know you wont find me over there, I think it is going to be a shrine of man hatered. To me it isnt about what gender some one is, it is about weather or not they are a good person. So to that I have to say good bye and good ridence.
I was lucky enough to happen to see SG on a friends comp as it were just starting, I thought the site was pretty cool then, allthough I really didnt jump onboard till early this year. The thing I noticed about the site then though, it it was nothing of what it is today. As memory serves it started out just as a pictures only site with journals. Since then it has grown into what it is today. (oh my god, I just refered to 20XX years with sense of nostalga!

Instead of whining and bitching about how terrible it is that these girls chose to opt out and leave the site, or that they were such miserable human beings that the site kicked them, I am going to do somthing positve. I am going to put up my choice pics from the up and coming SG's who I think are note worthy.
1. Cherries - Is absolutly awsome, she is by far one of the best people that I have ever met. Going back to my previous statements about role models, I would have no reservations in saying that she is about as good as it gets!
2. Sid - Emo and adorable, Come one you know everyone loves Sid, you cant help but not to! As well, she gets a ton of comments and so on, but she will actually make an effort to reply to people. I respect that allot about her.
3. AnnaLee - from "the depths of a black lake in Scotland" and a taxidermist to boot. I have talked with her a bit back and forth in journal posts, she is a pretty awsome girl. As well she is extreemly talented artistcally, and is also a taxidirmist! One of the biggest reasons thought that I think that she is note worthy, is that she is so non cookie cutter! Truly unique!
4. Amina - Allthough by no means new to the site, I am extreemly impressed with her as a human being. The reason that I am refering to her in an up and coming list though is simply I think that now she is really just starting to shine, and cannot wait to see what is to come from her.
5. Jessie - Is extreemly creative and talented. She does allot with Cosplay, and granted it isnt even my thing, but I really respect her for it because of the fact that she has made many many costumes that look really awsome. As well she is just a geek girl, and we all know we love them! It is kind of sad to me though, after her set went up she took one hell of allot of negativity from some people on this site saying that she didnt belong and so forth because she isnt all pierced and tatooed up. Personally I dont care if she ever does because she has enogh personality and the looks to carry herself.
6. Squeak - Her most recent set was one of the best that I have ever seen, I thought it was very well done. And the concept was so very original, I still laugh every time I look at it. I havent really talked to her at all though, but I would definatley have to say she is talented from what I have seen of her.
Well there you go, my picks, what you were hoping for a top ten list? fuck you im being a non conformist!

Good bye and good ridence.