The past couple of days have just been....... Well I am finding that my life all of th sudden makes all kinds of sense. I have been working my ass into the ground for a long long long time now. Pushing and pushing and pushing. This week was really the first time in a couple of years that I have taken the time off to stop and smell the roses.
Historically this has always been a crap time of year for me. things just have a way of going wrong over this time of year. This year however is different, because things are really starting to go good. Tomorrow morning will be the first day running on the new haul. It sounds like things are going to go great working with these folks.
I have been sitting here at the house for a week now. It has been really really nice just being able to sit down and enjoy my life a little bit. I went out shooting numerous times this week. As well I did a whole bunch of reloading for my .45 and have come up with some really sweet ammunition. Also just spending time with my family and friends has been nice. Today I went over and helped grandpa over at his place with some siding, he recently bought a new place and is completlly remodeling it at the age of 72. I am pretty durned proud of him. He is a pretty crafty guy though. I would have to say!
He is some one who has been extreemly infuencial in my life over the years. It was him who really taught me about taking care of things, he taught me mechanics, and how to change oil. He taught me that you have to take care of things or they wont last. He also was my inspration for wanting to have a house with a shop. He could always make the neatest things in his. I can remember going to his house numerous times as a kid, he must have had a thousand clocks in his house. The place really had a heart beat. I had a pretty rough child hood, but there at his house things never seemed to matter.
Another great pic I found is this one here.
That is my dad. He is another one of my personal heros. He taught me allot about hard work as well. Even when I was little I used to go to work with him all the time. It was great, I learned so much from him and I soaked it all up. Dad taught me all about building houses, from slab to shingles, he can do it all. He is a really neat guy. I think that his only vice is that he is too nice for his own good.
I did find a picture though that made me really sad.
This is of my best friends Nick and Stephanie. All through school we were all the best of friends, we went everywhere togeather. We had some awsome times that I will never forget. October 5th of 1999 Stephanie was on her way to school in her Nissan pickup truck. A man traveling the other direction down the gravel road came around a corner too fast and ran her off the road. Her truck flipped upside down as it rolled off of the enbankment and she was killed when the cab crushed. October 8th we burried her, October 9th I turned 18. 2 weeks later I had joined the Navy, 2 weeks after that I was on my way to boot camp. This is why I did not finish high school. I think the part that was the worst though is that Nick turned to drugs. He burnt himself out on them. He is no longer the person that he was back then. It is sad but that cold October morning, I really lost 2 friends.
This picture here is of the MEGA building in Pensacola Florida at NATTC. This was where I went to A school.
I had some awsome times down there in florida. It was really where I started to discover who I was.
This pic is a great one!
It is of me and my little brothers and my old 80 Turbo Trans am the night before I left for boot camp. I had allot of good times in that car. It was one hell of allot of fun. That night was totally amasing for me as well. It was a turning point in my life for the better. It was the night I escaped the hick town that I grew up in.
This pic is of my house. I bought this place a couple of years ago at the age of 21. It has been one of the best things that I ever did for myself. I have enjoyed many nights in this place, just as I am doing now. This pic brings me to the next ones...
That right there is me and the only woman I have ever loved. We had some great times togeather, and I really leaned how good life could be having some one by your side. I can remember how Sarah and I used to pull the back off of the Blazer and ride up into the mountains and lie in the back under a blanket looking up at the stars.
I can remember the day we took those pictures really well. Her mom had flown up to visit, and we took her around and showed her the sites. Sarah had almost no tolerence for cold though, as you can see in the second pic. She was always "stealing" body heat off of me, but I didnt mind.
I love this one, its of my truck on the slide table at the rail road shops here in town. I drove the truck on there and the slid it down and I drove right into one of the locomotove bays and loaded up a traction motor for the BNSF and hauled it from Montana to Barstow California.
This is my truck at my uncles in Lancaster CA
Again in lancaster
Well enough show and tell, onto current events.
I got the truck washed up in Portland last week and got it all looking pretty durned spiffy. I had it relettered for the new company in Spokane. Sign man there does a kick ass job.
I took this pic on top of the continental devide in Montana.
This is the quote that I had put on the side of my sleeper. I see allot of truckers who get "trucking for Jesus" or "Jesus is my navigator" so I figured id mix it up a lil bit with some Pantera
I made the most awsome dinner last night, It was really really good. 2 thick cut pork chops seasoned with Worstashire, salt, pepper, garlic salt and lemmon pepper. Then I cooked them up on the grill using hickory chips to smoke them. While they were cooking I sauteed mushrooms and graded cheese. I then sprinkled the cheese over the pork chops and put the mushrooms on them with more cheese. I served that up with some Bushes baked beans and a tall glass of milk, it was yummy!
I also got my truck all cleaned up. And redid all of my books for my buisness. I am all set to hit the road now. Going to be heading for Casper Wyoming in the morning, loading from there to Salt Lake City Utah. Dont know where I am going from there, other than that I will be leaving as quick as I can!
Historically this has always been a crap time of year for me. things just have a way of going wrong over this time of year. This year however is different, because things are really starting to go good. Tomorrow morning will be the first day running on the new haul. It sounds like things are going to go great working with these folks.
I have been sitting here at the house for a week now. It has been really really nice just being able to sit down and enjoy my life a little bit. I went out shooting numerous times this week. As well I did a whole bunch of reloading for my .45 and have come up with some really sweet ammunition. Also just spending time with my family and friends has been nice. Today I went over and helped grandpa over at his place with some siding, he recently bought a new place and is completlly remodeling it at the age of 72. I am pretty durned proud of him. He is a pretty crafty guy though. I would have to say!

He is some one who has been extreemly infuencial in my life over the years. It was him who really taught me about taking care of things, he taught me mechanics, and how to change oil. He taught me that you have to take care of things or they wont last. He also was my inspration for wanting to have a house with a shop. He could always make the neatest things in his. I can remember going to his house numerous times as a kid, he must have had a thousand clocks in his house. The place really had a heart beat. I had a pretty rough child hood, but there at his house things never seemed to matter.
Another great pic I found is this one here.

That is my dad. He is another one of my personal heros. He taught me allot about hard work as well. Even when I was little I used to go to work with him all the time. It was great, I learned so much from him and I soaked it all up. Dad taught me all about building houses, from slab to shingles, he can do it all. He is a really neat guy. I think that his only vice is that he is too nice for his own good.
I did find a picture though that made me really sad.

This is of my best friends Nick and Stephanie. All through school we were all the best of friends, we went everywhere togeather. We had some awsome times that I will never forget. October 5th of 1999 Stephanie was on her way to school in her Nissan pickup truck. A man traveling the other direction down the gravel road came around a corner too fast and ran her off the road. Her truck flipped upside down as it rolled off of the enbankment and she was killed when the cab crushed. October 8th we burried her, October 9th I turned 18. 2 weeks later I had joined the Navy, 2 weeks after that I was on my way to boot camp. This is why I did not finish high school. I think the part that was the worst though is that Nick turned to drugs. He burnt himself out on them. He is no longer the person that he was back then. It is sad but that cold October morning, I really lost 2 friends.

This picture here is of the MEGA building in Pensacola Florida at NATTC. This was where I went to A school.

I had some awsome times down there in florida. It was really where I started to discover who I was.
This pic is a great one!

It is of me and my little brothers and my old 80 Turbo Trans am the night before I left for boot camp. I had allot of good times in that car. It was one hell of allot of fun. That night was totally amasing for me as well. It was a turning point in my life for the better. It was the night I escaped the hick town that I grew up in.

This pic is of my house. I bought this place a couple of years ago at the age of 21. It has been one of the best things that I ever did for myself. I have enjoyed many nights in this place, just as I am doing now. This pic brings me to the next ones...

That right there is me and the only woman I have ever loved. We had some great times togeather, and I really leaned how good life could be having some one by your side. I can remember how Sarah and I used to pull the back off of the Blazer and ride up into the mountains and lie in the back under a blanket looking up at the stars.
I can remember the day we took those pictures really well. Her mom had flown up to visit, and we took her around and showed her the sites. Sarah had almost no tolerence for cold though, as you can see in the second pic. She was always "stealing" body heat off of me, but I didnt mind.

I love this one, its of my truck on the slide table at the rail road shops here in town. I drove the truck on there and the slid it down and I drove right into one of the locomotove bays and loaded up a traction motor for the BNSF and hauled it from Montana to Barstow California.

This is my truck at my uncles in Lancaster CA

Again in lancaster
Well enough show and tell, onto current events.
I got the truck washed up in Portland last week and got it all looking pretty durned spiffy. I had it relettered for the new company in Spokane. Sign man there does a kick ass job.

I took this pic on top of the continental devide in Montana.

This is the quote that I had put on the side of my sleeper. I see allot of truckers who get "trucking for Jesus" or "Jesus is my navigator" so I figured id mix it up a lil bit with some Pantera

I made the most awsome dinner last night, It was really really good. 2 thick cut pork chops seasoned with Worstashire, salt, pepper, garlic salt and lemmon pepper. Then I cooked them up on the grill using hickory chips to smoke them. While they were cooking I sauteed mushrooms and graded cheese. I then sprinkled the cheese over the pork chops and put the mushrooms on them with more cheese. I served that up with some Bushes baked beans and a tall glass of milk, it was yummy!
I also got my truck all cleaned up. And redid all of my books for my buisness. I am all set to hit the road now. Going to be heading for Casper Wyoming in the morning, loading from there to Salt Lake City Utah. Dont know where I am going from there, other than that I will be leaving as quick as I can!
have a nice day.