I am kind of in a werid place right now. Every day as I sit back and watch the news, it gets harder and harder for me. Each time I hear about how many were killed in Iraq and Afghanistan each day. I feel as though I did not do all I could do while I was in the Navy, I still feel bound by my sense of duty to my country, and feel as though there is more that I should do. I realise that I was medically discharged over circumstances beyond my controll, however I that doesnt change the fact that I feel as though I have yet to do my part. This has been a fire growing within me for the past 2 years. It is starting to get so prevalent that I cannot hold it back any more. I am seriously thinking about returning to Military or government service and specialising in Anti Terrorisim operations.
A great man once said "I have not yet begun to fight!" His name was John Paul Johnes, the father of the US Navy. He was a great man, a dilagent leader and a fearless warrior. He then went on to defeat the British Navy in the Revolutionary war, out manned and out gunned, he won the day.
I feel in these days we are short on men such as he, I would only hope that I could be such a man. I have yet to feel again the sense of drive, motivation and purpose that I had while in the Navy. I felt as though I truly belonged somwhere for the first time in my life, and it was my time to shine.
I dont know, mabie I am just melloncolly for the good ole days.
A great man once said "I have not yet begun to fight!" His name was John Paul Johnes, the father of the US Navy. He was a great man, a dilagent leader and a fearless warrior. He then went on to defeat the British Navy in the Revolutionary war, out manned and out gunned, he won the day.
I feel in these days we are short on men such as he, I would only hope that I could be such a man. I have yet to feel again the sense of drive, motivation and purpose that I had while in the Navy. I felt as though I truly belonged somwhere for the first time in my life, and it was my time to shine.
I dont know, mabie I am just melloncolly for the good ole days.

Yay! I am not alone in thinking Paris Hilton is Le Yuck
And my truck is equipped with a SG sticker... and a WTBQ SG which is good, too, i guess