Well, been a buisy couple of days and have been making some big decisions. Things here at the current company havent been working out so well with the current contract I have for getting freight from them. I have found another company that I am very interested in and might be going over there. The have garunteed me that if I am willing to haul from the Dallas, Houston, San Antonio triangle there to parts north east of there that they can keep me rolling for about 1.80 a mile gross. I get to keep 76% of that plus all of the accsorials, so that is a very damn good deal. It works up to about 1.30 a mile just for the line haul to the truck, that is more than I am grossing with the current outfit. I am about 1.07 a mile line haul to the truck here, this means about 102,200 a year more in my pocket if I run 140,000 miles again next year. Which with the way I have been running lately I have been doing a average that would bring closer to 160 - 190,000 miles a year. That is a huge difference and I think I could do very well with it. One hundered grand pays for allot of dreams every year.
The catch 22 is that I would have to move to Texas, I like the Houston area and that is where I will be going if I make the move. I have been looking at the price of housing there and it is awsome, it is actually better than the price in Montana where I have my house now. The cool thing is that I could afford to keep the place in Montana, and buy a house in Houston. I could then stay at the house in montana when I wanted to see my family there. It is sounding like a winning deal to me, as well it is looking allot more feesable to me than moving to Phoenix would ever be so I think that I will be canning those plans. It is funny how those best laid intensions work inst it!
But in the end it is all going to work out just fine!
It isnt a for sure deal yet, but I will keep you all posted.
Oh the thing I forget to add is that if I start doing this my average time on the road will go from 2 months to 4 days. I like this, it will mean allot more home time. This means more of a life for me, and I can have more time to work on my cars and take pictures.
Edited to add: I was wrong on my math there, I would be actually making 76% of that 1.80 so as it works out that is 1.36 per mile. If I run 140,000 miles in a year that is $191,800.00 Total, the .30 a mile difference works out to 42,000 a year. However there are more accseorial fees such as tarp and fuel surcharge that go on top of that. IE. Fuel surcharge, where as with my current deal my average is .13 per mile, where the new company is .18 this nikel a mile would be 7,000 a year more in my pocket. Little things like that add up very quickly!
If I run an average of 3500 miles a week (I ran 4,100 last week) 46 weeks of the year (that is 6 weeks off) that works out to 161,000 miles that year.
At that rate I would Gross $289,800.00, Take $220,570.00 to the truck (line haul only) That is $48,300.00 more than I would have made at my current contract.
If you figure my base operating expense (including housing and other payments) Right now I am at .73 a mile. It would cost me $117,530.00 to run that year, leaving me 103,030 net proffit for that year! That is take home all bills paid! This does not include any accsorial fees such as step deck, tarp fees, fuel surcharge, detention and stop off/pickup fees!!!
Now tell me taking up trucking as a career choice was a stupid manuver?
And on that note, my sisters boyfriend spent 100 grand and 8 years of his life going to school to get a masters in arcatecture, he now makes 40,000 a year.
The catch 22 is that I would have to move to Texas, I like the Houston area and that is where I will be going if I make the move. I have been looking at the price of housing there and it is awsome, it is actually better than the price in Montana where I have my house now. The cool thing is that I could afford to keep the place in Montana, and buy a house in Houston. I could then stay at the house in montana when I wanted to see my family there. It is sounding like a winning deal to me, as well it is looking allot more feesable to me than moving to Phoenix would ever be so I think that I will be canning those plans. It is funny how those best laid intensions work inst it!

Oh the thing I forget to add is that if I start doing this my average time on the road will go from 2 months to 4 days. I like this, it will mean allot more home time. This means more of a life for me, and I can have more time to work on my cars and take pictures.

Edited to add: I was wrong on my math there, I would be actually making 76% of that 1.80 so as it works out that is 1.36 per mile. If I run 140,000 miles in a year that is $191,800.00 Total, the .30 a mile difference works out to 42,000 a year. However there are more accseorial fees such as tarp and fuel surcharge that go on top of that. IE. Fuel surcharge, where as with my current deal my average is .13 per mile, where the new company is .18 this nikel a mile would be 7,000 a year more in my pocket. Little things like that add up very quickly!
If I run an average of 3500 miles a week (I ran 4,100 last week) 46 weeks of the year (that is 6 weeks off) that works out to 161,000 miles that year.
At that rate I would Gross $289,800.00, Take $220,570.00 to the truck (line haul only) That is $48,300.00 more than I would have made at my current contract.
If you figure my base operating expense (including housing and other payments) Right now I am at .73 a mile. It would cost me $117,530.00 to run that year, leaving me 103,030 net proffit for that year! That is take home all bills paid! This does not include any accsorial fees such as step deck, tarp fees, fuel surcharge, detention and stop off/pickup fees!!!
Now tell me taking up trucking as a career choice was a stupid manuver?

And on that note, my sisters boyfriend spent 100 grand and 8 years of his life going to school to get a masters in arcatecture, he now makes 40,000 a year.

I am the person who examines the dirt, lets the company know what it's made of. What kind of stone, what formation is at what depth, when we get to the oil, how much oil is there, etc. I'm only doing this because my brothers have both worked in the field, and we're kinda a close family. we enjoy spending time together, that kinda stuff.
I should have became a truck driver, but I love wrenching too much to do anything else. Besides, Snap-On would be kind of pissed if I quit now...