Well, it is 14:30 and I am just draging my ass out of bed, Last night on my way back from Billings the TA's alternator started to go out on me, the bearings were going bad making this terrible whining noise. As well I had a leaky power steering hose. All things that are an easy fix, I stoped down to bumper to bumper auto when I got back into town got the parts that I needed and came back home. Just as I was pulling in the drive, it started to thunder and lighting and the rain came pouring down. Finally about 21:00 the rain quit and I went out and started in on the car. The power steering lines went in with out a hich, but the alternator turned out to be the wrong one, the feed post on the back of it was on the oposite side. When I swung the alternator back into place it bumped the cruise controll actuator and it arced. I wound up having to puttl the actuator off so the thing would work. I got the car all put togeather, got in to start it and reprime the power steering, and nothing happened, dead swtich. It was about 00:00 hours.
I started chasing wires, all over the car trying to figure out what was fucked up, I pulled all of the fuses, they were all fine, as well I had power to other parts of the car. Finally I wound up with the car up on jack stands running around underneath it with my droplight and meter looking at wires. As it turns out the problem was very obvious once I got under the car and could see it, as it turns out the previous owner had cut that wire in two at one point, then spliced another piece in of small wire. The smaller piece of wire had burnt in two. I wound up having to pull the starter out, splice in a new piece of wire and put it all back togeather. By the time I had it all said and done it was 04:30. I jumped in the car and drove the 6 blocks down to Mini Mart, got a strawberry Quick, and a sprite and headed back home and went to bed, what a night.
Atleast the new cam is working out great!

I started chasing wires, all over the car trying to figure out what was fucked up, I pulled all of the fuses, they were all fine, as well I had power to other parts of the car. Finally I wound up with the car up on jack stands running around underneath it with my droplight and meter looking at wires. As it turns out the problem was very obvious once I got under the car and could see it, as it turns out the previous owner had cut that wire in two at one point, then spliced another piece in of small wire. The smaller piece of wire had burnt in two. I wound up having to pull the starter out, splice in a new piece of wire and put it all back togeather. By the time I had it all said and done it was 04:30. I jumped in the car and drove the 6 blocks down to Mini Mart, got a strawberry Quick, and a sprite and headed back home and went to bed, what a night.

Atleast the new cam is working out great!
Regarding your profile pic. Any way you can slow it down? I had a real hard time reading the "What do you see" page, it changes to "the Curch is dead" too quick.
I'll read your journal entries some other time, they're kinda long for my tastes. You seem like a guy that would be interesting to get to know.
-A fellow Libran (the scale thing).
Thought I'd vent in your journal, because I thought maybe you of all people would understand.
I started a thread topic on the boards based on an old thread, did a lot of research on it, tried to cover all the angles, supplied several thread links for the uninformed and posed what I thought was a valid question, a question originally asked by one of the site's owners, only to have that same site owner close the topic 4 hours later.
And to look at other threads that remain open, discussing pointless topics and some that aren't even discussing the original topic!
So how are you?
Read this last entry of yours. A little too something for me, not sure what, probably the talking about wires and cars and stuff. Never got into cars myself, they take me from point A to point B, I know where the gas goes and I could probably find the dip stick, and fill the tires with air. Other than that I'm pretty dumb on cars. Dude, I would have taken a nap while it was raining.
You should get a video camera, attach it to your dashboard facing forward, like the cops, and record your drives.