Well today I found out where Evil_Batman and GothicElvis have disapeared to, they have become slaves to Warcraft and Final Fantasy.
We had pizza it was swell, I ate half a large meat lovers by my lonesome.
Then I drove down the road a lil further and got to meet Shags and Cheries It was the first time we got to meet, they are both really awsome people, I had a great time just chilling with them. I am lookin foreward to getting in to see them again. Anyhow, the time has come for me to secure some nappy time, you all have a good one.

We had pizza it was swell, I ate half a large meat lovers by my lonesome.

Then I drove down the road a lil further and got to meet Shags and Cheries It was the first time we got to meet, they are both really awsome people, I had a great time just chilling with them. I am lookin foreward to getting in to see them again. Anyhow, the time has come for me to secure some nappy time, you all have a good one.

I grew up with them myself, have 2, One was my first given to me at 12 to work with, as it needed alot of cleaning and tweaking, so My Father got me an Old , Genuine Officers Luger (9mm, but you knew that!) So I actually was educated backwards, as I got my .38 revolver when I was 14.
Unfortunately...They are neither registered OR legal...(You basically would have to know a cop to get my Luger legally registered) So SHHHHHHHHHHH!
And A Sadist you say?
Ever read DeSade??
(SEE the film 'Quills')
Keep yer metal shinin'...
Looks like a pretty weak LAN to me, You need like 8 more computers there
Have a safe trip!