What a week it has been totally insane, I pulled out of Livingston Montana at 10:00 am (PST) Saturday, and delivered in Montgomery New York, 12:00 (PST) Today (Tuesday) that is 2160 miles in 75 hours! and I am still working 3 more days this week! Here is a little map of what I did.
Yeah, that is moving!
In other news, the bank totally fucked up my plans for buying that truck with the awsome flame job, they decided that they wanted 20% down instead of 10%, that truck will be long gone by the time I raise another 10% so the good news is, that it looks like they are going to loan me the money for a brand spankin new one speced out exactally the way I want it! So that will be swell! If it all goes right I will be making that happen around October. I wanted a black truck any how, and I can always get flames painted on it, so it apears that I am in buisness! Somtimes you dont get what you want but it works out anyways. Seting up a brand new one will allow me to far surpass the workability of buying a used one and putting it togeather.
Yeah, other than that I just sat between the seat and the steeringwheel for 3 days solid so like nothing else hapened except for my bank account got fatter, that makes me make happy faces allthough It leaves me little to chat about. So you all have a nice day
Edited to add:
Tonight I put togeather a map of all the places that I have been so far this year. This is just over 50,000 miles traveled. The time off that I have taken this year so far roughly equals 30 days, so that is 50,000 miles in 4 months. how do you all like that eh?

Yeah, that is moving!

In other news, the bank totally fucked up my plans for buying that truck with the awsome flame job, they decided that they wanted 20% down instead of 10%, that truck will be long gone by the time I raise another 10% so the good news is, that it looks like they are going to loan me the money for a brand spankin new one speced out exactally the way I want it! So that will be swell! If it all goes right I will be making that happen around October. I wanted a black truck any how, and I can always get flames painted on it, so it apears that I am in buisness! Somtimes you dont get what you want but it works out anyways. Seting up a brand new one will allow me to far surpass the workability of buying a used one and putting it togeather.
Yeah, other than that I just sat between the seat and the steeringwheel for 3 days solid so like nothing else hapened except for my bank account got fatter, that makes me make happy faces allthough It leaves me little to chat about. So you all have a nice day

Edited to add:
Tonight I put togeather a map of all the places that I have been so far this year. This is just over 50,000 miles traveled. The time off that I have taken this year so far roughly equals 30 days, so that is 50,000 miles in 4 months. how do you all like that eh?

sorry! send a message then i'll answer
I wanted to be a trucker for years when I was younger. I love being out on the road.