Yesterday was fun, I went shooting with uncle Don, It was a blast. I rocked I shot really well for not having been out in quite a while. Don, who happens to be one hell of an accomplished shootist says that with some good practice I will be one of the best around

I shot my new Remington 700 7mm-08 for the first time, Once I had it dialed in I slammed a round right smack dab into the center of the bullseye at 100 yards, I was really stoked.
Also we shot bowling pins, I had never done that before, it is lots of fun, you shoot 5 pins off a table at 20' as fast as you can, it is a riot!
Well anyhow, I am going to go work on my book for a while. Then later today I am going to Spokane to pick up my truck. so I'll be back on the road.
well that's a hell of a lot more fun then the stupid shit we do when we shoot...
me no feel good. this has ben the shitty week of my life. YUCK! but i havent een around cause I got my subway gig back. they called and said i was the hardest worker and the manager should have said those things to me. so i have been woking everyday. YAY. but I still feel like poo