Today was weird, It was a day that I really dont have a term for. It started off at 7am, I woke up suddenly and could not sleep, allthough I was still tired. It is weird, I have completly lost my ability to sleep in no matter what time I do go to bed.
I got up and dorked around in the comp for a while, then got dressed and went to Matt's and got a sandwich. Then I took my gun over to Yellowstone Gateway Sports to get a new set of sights for it because I broke mine. While I was there I ordered a new Para Ordanance PXD LDA Carry 12 and 2 spares with a Uncle Mikes pancake holster. It is purrdy, looks like this:
I have been wanting one for a while, so why not.
Then I went to marks in and out and got a strawberry shake, and headed back to the house, I wanted to go shooting but it was raining. I went over and saw Bob for a while, He picked up a 71 olds cutlass, I might trade him for my second trans am, I bought the car from him in the first place and he has wanted it back for a while. So might be a good deal there, cause I have wanted an olds like this for a while, Ill keep you all posted what happens.
When I got back to the house from Bob's I crashed out for a few hours and woke up at 7pm, I talked to my dad and he told me that my uncle Doug was in town, I havent got to see my moms side of the family much since my parents got divorced so I went looking for Doug, I wound up over at ,my uncle Don's who happens to be a gun smith and we wound up talking guns all night, he even came over to my place for a while, it was pretty cool, I can see that he and I are going to wind up spending more time around each other we both like shooting allot and he is going to teach me how to reload.
I went to albertsons and went shoping for groceries today, I know that isnt a big deal for most, but driving truck I eat most of my food out of truck stops and various other asorted choke and pukes so it is nice when I get to cook a good home cooked meal, and on that note once I got home all I felt like doing was floping on my ass so I shal be haivng dinner for breakfast. Oh me oh my the joys of bachelor life.
Earlier this morning too I got ahold of my dads friend who is a realtor in Phoenix, I got things rolling so as that later on this year, or the first part of next year I can buy an acre or so of land there and put up a shop. I have been wanting to move to Arizona for a long long time, now I am finally going to do it.
I was looking back at my life today, it was one of those rainiy days where a guy does that. I have done one hell of allot in my short yet eventfull 23 years, A tour of duty in the navy, starting my own buisness, and a long list of other events that I have passed behind myself. It is hard to belive at times. It seems like an eternity. Really I see that evertying that I truly want I am getting, I have been busting my ass and all my goals keep falling down one after another as I reach them. Really the only thing in life that escapes me is companionship. But then I consider it, I am 23, I have the whole rest of my life to find it. Right now I am going to work hard, bust my ass and get my life into a more comfortable place where I have my buisness running stronger and things in order.
I look back at the past years and the lessons that I have learned about life. It is amasing the things that I have done and the places I have been. I cannot pitty myself for I feel lucky to have done what I have. Sure there have been plenty of hard times in there, but that is life, it isnt going to be sunshine and lemonade all the time. And speaking of lemonade, you know the experssion, when life hands you lemmons you make lemondade, well I do have numerous 55 gallon drums of the stuff if your thirsty
I got up and dorked around in the comp for a while, then got dressed and went to Matt's and got a sandwich. Then I took my gun over to Yellowstone Gateway Sports to get a new set of sights for it because I broke mine. While I was there I ordered a new Para Ordanance PXD LDA Carry 12 and 2 spares with a Uncle Mikes pancake holster. It is purrdy, looks like this:

I have been wanting one for a while, so why not.
Then I went to marks in and out and got a strawberry shake, and headed back to the house, I wanted to go shooting but it was raining. I went over and saw Bob for a while, He picked up a 71 olds cutlass, I might trade him for my second trans am, I bought the car from him in the first place and he has wanted it back for a while. So might be a good deal there, cause I have wanted an olds like this for a while, Ill keep you all posted what happens.
When I got back to the house from Bob's I crashed out for a few hours and woke up at 7pm, I talked to my dad and he told me that my uncle Doug was in town, I havent got to see my moms side of the family much since my parents got divorced so I went looking for Doug, I wound up over at ,my uncle Don's who happens to be a gun smith and we wound up talking guns all night, he even came over to my place for a while, it was pretty cool, I can see that he and I are going to wind up spending more time around each other we both like shooting allot and he is going to teach me how to reload.

I went to albertsons and went shoping for groceries today, I know that isnt a big deal for most, but driving truck I eat most of my food out of truck stops and various other asorted choke and pukes so it is nice when I get to cook a good home cooked meal, and on that note once I got home all I felt like doing was floping on my ass so I shal be haivng dinner for breakfast. Oh me oh my the joys of bachelor life.
Earlier this morning too I got ahold of my dads friend who is a realtor in Phoenix, I got things rolling so as that later on this year, or the first part of next year I can buy an acre or so of land there and put up a shop. I have been wanting to move to Arizona for a long long time, now I am finally going to do it.
I was looking back at my life today, it was one of those rainiy days where a guy does that. I have done one hell of allot in my short yet eventfull 23 years, A tour of duty in the navy, starting my own buisness, and a long list of other events that I have passed behind myself. It is hard to belive at times. It seems like an eternity. Really I see that evertying that I truly want I am getting, I have been busting my ass and all my goals keep falling down one after another as I reach them. Really the only thing in life that escapes me is companionship. But then I consider it, I am 23, I have the whole rest of my life to find it. Right now I am going to work hard, bust my ass and get my life into a more comfortable place where I have my buisness running stronger and things in order.
I look back at the past years and the lessons that I have learned about life. It is amasing the things that I have done and the places I have been. I cannot pitty myself for I feel lucky to have done what I have. Sure there have been plenty of hard times in there, but that is life, it isnt going to be sunshine and lemonade all the time. And speaking of lemonade, you know the experssion, when life hands you lemmons you make lemondade, well I do have numerous 55 gallon drums of the stuff if your thirsty


You and your damned guns.....