Stopped at: Albuqurque, New Mexico
Current Mood: Fucking Extatic.
Music: A Perfect Circle, Perfect Enemy.
Yesterday was awsome. As many of you know I am a D/s lifestyle Dominanat. For months now I have been talking with a sub in Texas. Just casual chit chat nothing more. Then yesterday we started talking on the phone, and it was magical. Before I had never really dug into the depths of her personality but come to find out that she is the 24/7 TPE sub type. (TPE is Total Power Exchange) It was kind of crazy, we talked somwere in the neighborhood of 7 hours. It will be very intresting to see where this goes.
As well last night I finally got a good nights sleep. I feel fuckin awsome today, Ready to go take on the world! just like Tony Montana. Ok, mabie not just like that, but I am feelin full of spunk.
Tuesday I went and got my truck polished, so it looks all spiffy now!

Bling Blhing huh!
i wanna see your sleeper 

the goddess moon pad