Alright, no downward plungers, thanks everyone!!!! And Thanks LaPetitMonster for ruined it even more!!!
Today was a very strange day. Actually it started out last night when I fucked myself over again. Long story that won't be told, my brain doesn't need to go over it again. Anyway, I got up this morning really depressed, so bad that everyone at work thought that I was sick......I sort of was I guess
So I came home, crashed on my bed, cried for about 3 seconds and fell asleep. And Now I am ok for some other weird reason.
Anyway, anyone up for more we go:

Today was a very strange day. Actually it started out last night when I fucked myself over again. Long story that won't be told, my brain doesn't need to go over it again. Anyway, I got up this morning really depressed, so bad that everyone at work thought that I was sick......I sort of was I guess

Anyway, anyone up for more we go:

VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS sais que tu es serieux mais je suis une peu jeune pour toi ?? mais svp ne termine pas parler avec moi comme a