Ive been tagged......even though I warned the person NOT to tag me because she had just been.....Anyway, things are still the same around here.....whatefer, here are some things that you may not know about me. and if you do, tuff shit, read on!!!!!
1. I have never been fired from a job except once....Walmart.
2. I have a Criminal Record for two more years...because I stole from Walmart.
3. I am on meds for depression, my aunt just killed herself. She was clinically depressed, which makes me sad....
4.I played basketball for 7 years. I was a really good bench warmer...
5.When I was younger, we would always go to my Aunts in Maine every summer.....Old Orchard beach used to be really fun...
6.Im half french...... Oh la la.....
7. I used to be a big drinker, I was a VIP at a bar.....then I fell in love.....with Mary Jane.
8. I'm a Survivor geek.
9. I'm colored blind.....which sucks for someone whose life revolves around Art.
10. I was in Beavers and Cubs.... I was a leader in Cubs until I started playing basketball.
11. I made it through High School with out reading an entire book, which may explain why I suck in English.
12.The longest relationship that I was in lasted 3 years. I thought that we were going to get married and then she dumped me.
13.I was only sent to the principles office once, but never got in trouble.....I was a good boy.
14. I used to weight train for like three years, then I found pot.....
15.Nobody has ever ventured into my ass except my doctor......
16. Ive had one threesome in my life, with two members from the site
17. My father was 44 when I was born, I dont want to be that old when I have kids.....
18. I have a fear of drowning..... somewhat like [MEMBER=Paintedbat's] fear of being in open water...
19. My family is a family of Hunters.....I've never killed an animal.
20. I've had the same 5 friends since elemaentary.... One of them since kindergarden....
You've been tagged!!!!!!
1. I have never been fired from a job except once....Walmart.
2. I have a Criminal Record for two more years...because I stole from Walmart.
3. I am on meds for depression, my aunt just killed herself. She was clinically depressed, which makes me sad....
4.I played basketball for 7 years. I was a really good bench warmer...
5.When I was younger, we would always go to my Aunts in Maine every summer.....Old Orchard beach used to be really fun...
6.Im half french...... Oh la la.....
7. I used to be a big drinker, I was a VIP at a bar.....then I fell in love.....with Mary Jane.
8. I'm a Survivor geek.
9. I'm colored blind.....which sucks for someone whose life revolves around Art.
10. I was in Beavers and Cubs.... I was a leader in Cubs until I started playing basketball.
11. I made it through High School with out reading an entire book, which may explain why I suck in English.
12.The longest relationship that I was in lasted 3 years. I thought that we were going to get married and then she dumped me.
13.I was only sent to the principles office once, but never got in trouble.....I was a good boy.
14. I used to weight train for like three years, then I found pot.....
15.Nobody has ever ventured into my ass except my doctor......
16. Ive had one threesome in my life, with two members from the site
17. My father was 44 when I was born, I dont want to be that old when I have kids.....
18. I have a fear of drowning..... somewhat like [MEMBER=Paintedbat's] fear of being in open water...
19. My family is a family of Hunters.....I've never killed an animal.
20. I've had the same 5 friends since elemaentary.... One of them since kindergarden....
You've been tagged!!!!!!
yeah i knew most of those...especially 16...
I feel much more knowledgeable about you now... and I didn't even have to stalk you