So I have a physics lab on applied fiber optics due tonight and some calc 4 homework due and I really don't want to do it. My procrastination is second to none. OOOH plus I found some of my old demo tapes and productions from highschool that I did in my garage and closet. Which include a track by Derek Bloom of then Nihilobstadt and of now <a href="">From First to Last</a>, well I hope that link worked. So if it did, and you're interested in getting these tracks... <a href="">Click here</a>, it goes to the music section on my crappy home site. Off to productively procrastinate.
So... how's RP treatin ya? I just moved in, and it's quite in-ter-estin.
*sigh* i'm not gonna lie to ya devios. You showed up on my "within 25 miles" deal and i've got little to nothing to actually say at this point. I could think of something... but i'd rather sit over there and not.
now THATS productive procrastination.
Stop by the journal sometime