HIM is totally not metal.
i have 2 girls and i don't want either of them to get pregnant. it costs 200$ to get a boy neutered and i dont have that kinda cash laying around so rather than taking the risk of having more babies (which can not happen) i will have to give the boy away frown
I agree, HIM is totally not metal. It's rock. But not Metal.
I got my Philosophy midterm back and i got a B. I guess that's good. Well, that's good for not studying at all for it. Better than my F in Calculus 4!!! I hate calculus, that class is at 8 in the morning, and is always cold. Not to mention I was wet from walking in the rain to school. BUT I went. Trooper points....
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My Dystopia shirt came in the mail. It fits. I'm talking to the singer of my maybe new band, Under the Knife, formerly Timmy's Operation click here for their website.. He says he's got a 1979 International school bus that he converted. How cool is that? I definitely want to be in this band. Some lady just called me in this insanely sexy voice...
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Sending Messages to 707 locals!

read my last entry, stop by some time, dude.


Also, Timmy's Operation was i guess really good cause my brother talked about them.
Oh my god, do you know Lauren?

Yeah she is fucking awesome, and I do infact work with her. Actually, i live like next door to her.

Well hey, i'll be sure to put in a good word for you at apple if you really want in wink


Seriously though, stop by the store sometime.
So I have a physics lab on applied fiber optics due tonight and some calc 4 homework due and I really don't want to do it. My procrastination is second to none. OOOH plus I found some of my old demo tapes and productions from highschool that I did in my garage and closet. Which include a track by Derek Bloom of then Nihilobstadt and...
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...I haven't a clue. :-P
Productive Procrastination is by far the best type of... not.. doing anything.

So... how's RP treatin ya? I just moved in, and it's quite in-ter-estin.

*sigh* i'm not gonna lie to ya devios. You showed up on my "within 25 miles" deal and i've got little to nothing to actually say at this point. I could think of something... but i'd rather sit over there and not.

now THATS productive procrastination.

Stop by the journal sometime
