fuck it:
1.22.10- Vegas
Unless youre riding a mobility scooter
Its not really that much of an adventure
Goofy is King
Its a money thing
The vast dragnet efficiently synopsizes living
The goal being a fat chance at posthumous acknowledgement
Funny how information and its availability
Along with ever-multiplying options
Have sapped the imagination
Salute and dilute, yall!
Alas! Im the greatest pretender.
The reluctant caretaker
You are my hobby
And I am yours
Things tidily square up that way somehow
Unconscious and unaware of one another
Achieving convenience takes so much practice
Even loneliness requires something entirely outside of current realms of habitude
The dynamics of love and its prerequisites
are mired in economics
The pursuit of self-worth is so predictably
gagged and restrained with formulaic ease
The funhouse is pleasantly distracting
Its omnipresent threat now banal and benign,
Playfully looming in the distance
You gotta love the ladder climbers
So determined and focused
Ever in hot pursuit of their chalices
And tails
Had you met them once
It were certainly in vein
Spun so far out by now
To one of many satellite locations or franchises
Im an errant dinosaur now
bogged down in some remote tar pit myself
If you mistakenly remember the ones you misforgot
It all goes on the blink
1.22.10- Vegas
Unless youre riding a mobility scooter
Its not really that much of an adventure
Goofy is King
Its a money thing
The vast dragnet efficiently synopsizes living
The goal being a fat chance at posthumous acknowledgement
Funny how information and its availability
Along with ever-multiplying options
Have sapped the imagination
Salute and dilute, yall!
Alas! Im the greatest pretender.
The reluctant caretaker
You are my hobby
And I am yours
Things tidily square up that way somehow
Unconscious and unaware of one another
Achieving convenience takes so much practice
Even loneliness requires something entirely outside of current realms of habitude
The dynamics of love and its prerequisites
are mired in economics
The pursuit of self-worth is so predictably
gagged and restrained with formulaic ease
The funhouse is pleasantly distracting
Its omnipresent threat now banal and benign,
Playfully looming in the distance
You gotta love the ladder climbers
So determined and focused
Ever in hot pursuit of their chalices
And tails
Had you met them once
It were certainly in vein
Spun so far out by now
To one of many satellite locations or franchises
Im an errant dinosaur now
bogged down in some remote tar pit myself
If you mistakenly remember the ones you misforgot
It all goes on the blink
Im an errant dinosaur (...). <-Best line Ive read today.
I'm gonna be HERE & also THERE. More info to come.....
(Ed to add, "there" looks kinda lame... "here" will be where it's at.)
Thanks for your thanks, dear. You made my (heretofore kinda lousy) day.