i got final fantasy vii:advent children today.
i'm not sure i like the voice overs.
some of the lines don't match up to the subtitled version i got a long time ago.
i think i prefer the subtitled version. . .
i like how they say 'cloudo'.
but additional features! w00t!!!
i fucking love ffvii.
god damn amazing.
oh, i also added a shit ton of pictures to my page. some of me, some of random stupid shit. i'll put more of me on here someday.
i'm not sure i like the voice overs.
some of the lines don't match up to the subtitled version i got a long time ago.
i think i prefer the subtitled version. . .
i like how they say 'cloudo'.
but additional features! w00t!!!
i fucking love ffvii.
god damn amazing.
oh, i also added a shit ton of pictures to my page. some of me, some of random stupid shit. i'll put more of me on here someday.
damn. very nice. rock that shit.
Thank you for the comment on my set