On a seperate topic from whats below;
I nearly cried today after hearing that the pope was dead.
and people here are making fun of him.
as a baptized and confirmed catholic Im insulted by the calousness... just because you don't believe what I believe doesn't give you the right to mock me for it, just as I don't mock you for yours
When I was in rome I got to sit at a private audience with the pope ... well private as in 75 people. But I still got to sit and listen to him speak.
RIP Pope John Paul II - A catholic leader AND a great man.
back to your regularly scheduled journal entry .... ....
Im completley wasted
on this cold dark night
this bottle can't comfort me anymore
I feel like crying but no tears come
the solitude of emptiness
the black whole of lonliness
drowning in air it becomes harder and harder to breathe
but I can't be tonight
I can't stay tonight
Im wasted tonight
swallowing pills tonight
but I can't wait for you tonight
A reflection
the face I see in the mirror
Its not so bad is it.
but I want to break it
shatter the glass and push my face through
cutting and scaring
the change of pace will do me good
you don't notice me anyway
Im waiting tonight
Im alone tonight
like every night
but I can't wait for you tonight
I do this to myself
I do this to myself
you do this to yourself
you do this to yourself
a cold sense of apathy washes over
entertaining the emptiness
you selfish brat
if you wanna be angry all the time
don't take it out on me to make you feel better
waddle yourself around making indents in the ground
the world can't carry your weight
of your flesh or your sadness
I feel sorry for you
I want you to go away
I hate you
and I've never hated anyone before.
You cold ruin me
you tear me apart
your perfection and vanity
the way you move the way you look
You find me entertaining but I am only a novelty
for 6 months of someone to joke with
but not to admire not to care
just take me for granted
because I'll be gone when the weather warms up
The summer is comming and my mind is wasted
wasted tonight
on this cold empty night.
I nearly cried today after hearing that the pope was dead.
and people here are making fun of him.
as a baptized and confirmed catholic Im insulted by the calousness... just because you don't believe what I believe doesn't give you the right to mock me for it, just as I don't mock you for yours
When I was in rome I got to sit at a private audience with the pope ... well private as in 75 people. But I still got to sit and listen to him speak.
RIP Pope John Paul II - A catholic leader AND a great man.
back to your regularly scheduled journal entry .... ....
Im completley wasted
on this cold dark night
this bottle can't comfort me anymore
I feel like crying but no tears come
the solitude of emptiness
the black whole of lonliness
drowning in air it becomes harder and harder to breathe
but I can't be tonight
I can't stay tonight
Im wasted tonight
swallowing pills tonight
but I can't wait for you tonight
A reflection
the face I see in the mirror
Its not so bad is it.
but I want to break it
shatter the glass and push my face through
cutting and scaring
the change of pace will do me good
you don't notice me anyway
Im waiting tonight
Im alone tonight
like every night
but I can't wait for you tonight
I do this to myself
I do this to myself
you do this to yourself
you do this to yourself
a cold sense of apathy washes over
entertaining the emptiness
you selfish brat
if you wanna be angry all the time
don't take it out on me to make you feel better
waddle yourself around making indents in the ground
the world can't carry your weight
of your flesh or your sadness
I feel sorry for you
I want you to go away
I hate you
and I've never hated anyone before.
You cold ruin me
you tear me apart
your perfection and vanity
the way you move the way you look
You find me entertaining but I am only a novelty
for 6 months of someone to joke with
but not to admire not to care
just take me for granted
because I'll be gone when the weather warms up
The summer is comming and my mind is wasted
wasted tonight
on this cold empty night.

U Rock...lol i think u got all of them thanks for the run through...yeah i wasnt to excited about seeing the womens match or the sumo one...figured it would turn out how it did..im super gald triple h lost and heh forgive but i like cean better then jbl...o and the undertaker won against Randy but i knew that already ..but thanks again Scatt ur the shit...and yes the pope was awesome definatly RIP to him