Time to write a new update .. because I crave comments and collect them like little pieces of treasure. ahharrhaharggaaahhrrhahahahhaarrr.
Current Events:
In the world right now we have Bad Economy, Pointless Wars, Stupid Presidents, and Freaky Weather... is this the end. My roomate and my mom think so.
I went to WWE Raw on Monday. Good times, we sat in front of the MOST AWESOME group of people. My buddy brought one of those replica belts and they kept calling us champ and talking to us about stuff and laughing at my jokes. Im such a funny kid. har har har. It was really entertaining and the bonus match just for toronto was fantastically fantastic. Edge is becoming a well liked favorite... we cheered large for Christian and I got to hold the belt while I was cheering for him and mimicking his trademarks. I also got the nod for starting an ECW chant during the Rhyno/Stevie Richards match. I tried getting a Nova chant going when Simon Dean came out but to no avail... I guess not everyone in the crowd knew as much about ECW as I did.
This weekend 3 .. count em three shows starting tomorrow. Like I said before if you are in the area common down to Mooseknuckles in Burlington tomorrow and 69 Pickups in Cambridge on Friday and Saturday.
School is good and bad right now. Good cuz there are lots of pretty ladies to look at ... bad because Im not brave enough to talk to them unless I know them. Good because 90 percent of my classes are easy like nuthin ... bad because 10 percent of my classes are harder than pregnancy. Good because me and my friends are having lots of fun ... bad because this will be the last time I see them unless I end up living out here in Hamilton.
Ladies I got a question for ya. There was this dude today talking all kinds of smack behind me ... like me and my friends were sitting in the pub playing cards and stuff and I could hear this dude talking.... Note: I am an eavesdropper, I can't help but listen in on other conversations especially when you talk as loud as this guy does. But anyway he was sayin shit like "I was at x club and I had thirty broads all up on me when I was on the dance floor one of them had her leg up on my shoulders and every guy on the floor was jealous cuz I was getting all the broads and I could dance and Im sorry if all those guys were ugly." Now normally I would laugh at a guy like this but something struck me.... what if he was telling the truth. Im sorry I don't dance and Im sorry I don't treat women like trash but this guy was sitting around with 5 girls and they were all enjoying his story. Girls... do you like guys like this? Do guys like this appeal to you?
Im feelin pretty bymyself lately. Like Im drawing away from people and finding reasons to shut them out and stuff. I hate that shit. If it weren't for that I'd still be talking to that girl that works at the CD store in Milton because I wouldn't have shut her off when she broke my heart. I need something serious and exciting to happen... cuz I mean at each of these shows I know whats going to happen. We are going to put on the best show of the night guys will tell us how good we did their girlfriends will smile at us and we'll eat pizza after and drink beer before and after and then go home and possibly hear our drummer gripe about something.. I don't know thats a variable. But this "rockstar" life isn't really that exciting. There are no girls ... maybe its me ... maybe I smell bad. Of course our main crowd is 16,17,18 the sixteen year olds are far too young for me... being 22 and all.
I love life but I wish I was more confident
peace, love and soul
Music: Forever Young - Alphaville
Mood: Im tired and I feel a scratch in my throat.... so Im drinkin on some green tea like woah and hoping that I skip this sickness I feel comming on.... eep.. it would suck playing shows while Im sick.

Current Events:
In the world right now we have Bad Economy, Pointless Wars, Stupid Presidents, and Freaky Weather... is this the end. My roomate and my mom think so.
I went to WWE Raw on Monday. Good times, we sat in front of the MOST AWESOME group of people. My buddy brought one of those replica belts and they kept calling us champ and talking to us about stuff and laughing at my jokes. Im such a funny kid. har har har. It was really entertaining and the bonus match just for toronto was fantastically fantastic. Edge is becoming a well liked favorite... we cheered large for Christian and I got to hold the belt while I was cheering for him and mimicking his trademarks. I also got the nod for starting an ECW chant during the Rhyno/Stevie Richards match. I tried getting a Nova chant going when Simon Dean came out but to no avail... I guess not everyone in the crowd knew as much about ECW as I did.
This weekend 3 .. count em three shows starting tomorrow. Like I said before if you are in the area common down to Mooseknuckles in Burlington tomorrow and 69 Pickups in Cambridge on Friday and Saturday.
School is good and bad right now. Good cuz there are lots of pretty ladies to look at ... bad because Im not brave enough to talk to them unless I know them. Good because 90 percent of my classes are easy like nuthin ... bad because 10 percent of my classes are harder than pregnancy. Good because me and my friends are having lots of fun ... bad because this will be the last time I see them unless I end up living out here in Hamilton.
Ladies I got a question for ya. There was this dude today talking all kinds of smack behind me ... like me and my friends were sitting in the pub playing cards and stuff and I could hear this dude talking.... Note: I am an eavesdropper, I can't help but listen in on other conversations especially when you talk as loud as this guy does. But anyway he was sayin shit like "I was at x club and I had thirty broads all up on me when I was on the dance floor one of them had her leg up on my shoulders and every guy on the floor was jealous cuz I was getting all the broads and I could dance and Im sorry if all those guys were ugly." Now normally I would laugh at a guy like this but something struck me.... what if he was telling the truth. Im sorry I don't dance and Im sorry I don't treat women like trash but this guy was sitting around with 5 girls and they were all enjoying his story. Girls... do you like guys like this? Do guys like this appeal to you?
Im feelin pretty bymyself lately. Like Im drawing away from people and finding reasons to shut them out and stuff. I hate that shit. If it weren't for that I'd still be talking to that girl that works at the CD store in Milton because I wouldn't have shut her off when she broke my heart. I need something serious and exciting to happen... cuz I mean at each of these shows I know whats going to happen. We are going to put on the best show of the night guys will tell us how good we did their girlfriends will smile at us and we'll eat pizza after and drink beer before and after and then go home and possibly hear our drummer gripe about something.. I don't know thats a variable. But this "rockstar" life isn't really that exciting. There are no girls ... maybe its me ... maybe I smell bad. Of course our main crowd is 16,17,18 the sixteen year olds are far too young for me... being 22 and all.
I love life but I wish I was more confident
peace, love and soul
Music: Forever Young - Alphaville
Mood: Im tired and I feel a scratch in my throat.... so Im drinkin on some green tea like woah and hoping that I skip this sickness I feel comming on.... eep.. it would suck playing shows while Im sick.

Anyways after working there for a couple days I found out that most of the kitchen boys were OBSESSED with wrestling and did this thing called The Caseys Intercontinental Championship Wrestling or something like that.
When we werent busy or at the end of the night after close they would take each other on in the halls of the closed mall! Like...completely, they broke fingers and crap.
All for these little belts that they made out of cardboard and crayola markers!
*LOL....they were so funny, that's all they talked about, they would all come in and do nothing but talk smack to each other