**Emergency!!!!** Suicidegirls.com cannot seem to process my credit card anymore. I know Im not maxed out on my card so I don't know what the deal is. I may not be active on the site for much longer because of this. Its not like I have another credit card.
If my account does get abrubtly cancelled... I love you all and wish you all the best of the best of the best and hope you'll send me e-mails so we can keep in touch. ... back to your regularly scheduled journal update. ....
For those of you dying for some good news out of my mouth, and those that missed it. Cough Northstar Cough
Here is the downlow yo on what happened at my show on Sunday.
First of all its not entirely awesome news for me personally on a personal and friendship level.. but the band scored all aces really.
So heres what happened. I first of all decide that buying 2 red bulls before the show is a good idea. I go to the jam zone where we are meeting before the show and to pack up our stuff. Our drummer is AWOL so we are slightly concerned that he may say fuck it and not show or that he doesn't remember that there is a show that night. Our drummer is an awesome dude but a little spacey. I get into arguements with him sometimes and he can't sometimes take critiscm so it gets kinda infuriating... but anyway.
Those of us that did show to the jam zone pack up the shit except for the drum kit cuz he would hate us if we touched it, and decide to head out to the venue. Fun times.
When we get there I kinda think drinking my 2 red bulls in the bar would be a bad idea.. and so while our bass player is having a smoke in my car I decide to drink my 2 red bulls. Yes friends I drank 2 red bulls in the ammount of time it took for someone to have a smoke.
A little bit of history regarding me and energy drinks/coffee.. I love them.. history lesson over.
So we go into the bar and the first band goes on... good band. Some of the other bands are impressed with our equipment, and apparently there is a buzz about us even though this was technically our first show.
Im looking around ... none of my friends who said they would show were there yet.
Second band comes on and I go to the bar to get my second MGD of the night (By this time Im wigging out Im so hyper) Alcohol and Energy Drinks are AMAZING!!! hahaha. Anyways I get a big surprise as one of my best friends in high school's girlfriend is there. She wasn't expecting to come to Moe's she just happened to be there... she promised she'd stay for my set and that was fantastic to see her cuz Im also pretty good friends with her too. (But she likes country music so shes in for a bit of a rude awakening HAR HAR HAR)
Im still looking around and that girl that I keep mentioning about having a giant crush on ... still isn't there. le sigh.. neither is the group of popular girls who said they would come.
3rd band goes on.... goofy freakin band.. but cool. At one point they were doing a punk cover of the ABC's and at another they were covering Enrique's Hero. Their singer tossed dildo shapped vegetables at the crowd. Our drummer got involved with it and it became this big giant thing.. har har ... fun times.
So then its time for us to set up. I go to buy a bottle of water and the group of popular girls surprises me. Im excited to see them because I was gonna hang out with them after the set and be all buddy buddy with some beautiful ladies. I tell them though that they got here just in time and I went up on the stage. Then went off again to go to the bathroom. Hey nature calls.
We start our set and we freakin rip shit up!!! like we were on fire man ... best set we've ever played it was totally hardcore the crowd was into it. We even had a little mosh pit which was our first mosh pit. The pit died down after the second song but still. There was this totally hot girl in the front of the stage, she was probably too young for me but I still kept makin eyes at her during our set. She went to the side stage on the last couple songs though... so either I creeped her out or made her so crotch-happy that she had to get away for awhile... Im thinking the latter perhaps, but we had the whole bars attention... nobody was doing something else.
Then holy crap after the set people from the other bands were jumping all over us asking us to join the guelph scene and start playing shows with them. They kept bugging the promoter apparently to add us to shows with them (Note we have a new show next saturday.. I don't know the details.. more on the situation about that later perhaps)
So I go outside for some cool air cuz I was about to die from all the sweaty tiredness that was I. I say goodbye and congrats to the guys in the band who had to leave after and I go back inside to talk to the popular group of girls and the girlfriend of my friend... but none of them were there.
This other band that I liked was playing so I stayed and checked them out but was really bitter that they all left and that girl I had a crush on didn't show at all.
The last band played (A friend of mine is their singer) They had technical problems and their set wasn't spectacular but it was pretty good. I shook his hand and said good job man and then I was out.
and so I found a message on my phone from girl I had a crush on stating that her friends car broke down and they couldn't make it because of that. Fair enough you do not get wrath, I then spoke to friends girlfriend and she said she loved our set and her friends who were into metal and hardcore said we were amazing but she had to leave after to take someone home or something like that... okay very little wrath just a bitter little... glad you enjoyed it but it would have been cool if I could have talked to you after. The group of popular girls however have yet to explain their abscence .. I've tried contacting them and nothing... they are going to get so much wrath!!!
oh Northstar... sarcastic wrath for you. (see opening part of journal entry)
So that was basically the night. First decent night of my break. This night however I had to not go to an apparent band practise that is still unconfirmed as to if it took place or not, I got forced into work by my mother and by the bitchy lady that now runs the milton part of the HCR temp agency. I don't know if Im going to persue much more work over my christmas break. I don't exactly need it and Im so sore after this shift... although 88 bucks a day ... I don't know if its worth it or not... if I work assembly it is cuz thats easy.
anyway thats all for now.
till next time
Same Scatt time, Same Scatt Channel.
music: From Autumn to Ashes: All I taste today is whats her name.
mood: Im sore.. somebody come rub my back. Northstar you owe me. lol.
oh and now get this.... girl I have a crush on is super-pissed at me cuz I put something about people standing me up in my msn name and she thought I was talking about her and gave me a three page e-mail run down about how much of a jerk I am for saying that. I hate when people think the world revolves around them... I wasn't even talking about her. aarrgh.

For those of you dying for some good news out of my mouth, and those that missed it. Cough Northstar Cough
Here is the downlow yo on what happened at my show on Sunday.
First of all its not entirely awesome news for me personally on a personal and friendship level.. but the band scored all aces really.
So heres what happened. I first of all decide that buying 2 red bulls before the show is a good idea. I go to the jam zone where we are meeting before the show and to pack up our stuff. Our drummer is AWOL so we are slightly concerned that he may say fuck it and not show or that he doesn't remember that there is a show that night. Our drummer is an awesome dude but a little spacey. I get into arguements with him sometimes and he can't sometimes take critiscm so it gets kinda infuriating... but anyway.
Those of us that did show to the jam zone pack up the shit except for the drum kit cuz he would hate us if we touched it, and decide to head out to the venue. Fun times.
When we get there I kinda think drinking my 2 red bulls in the bar would be a bad idea.. and so while our bass player is having a smoke in my car I decide to drink my 2 red bulls. Yes friends I drank 2 red bulls in the ammount of time it took for someone to have a smoke.
A little bit of history regarding me and energy drinks/coffee.. I love them.. history lesson over.
So we go into the bar and the first band goes on... good band. Some of the other bands are impressed with our equipment, and apparently there is a buzz about us even though this was technically our first show.
Im looking around ... none of my friends who said they would show were there yet.
Second band comes on and I go to the bar to get my second MGD of the night (By this time Im wigging out Im so hyper) Alcohol and Energy Drinks are AMAZING!!! hahaha. Anyways I get a big surprise as one of my best friends in high school's girlfriend is there. She wasn't expecting to come to Moe's she just happened to be there... she promised she'd stay for my set and that was fantastic to see her cuz Im also pretty good friends with her too. (But she likes country music so shes in for a bit of a rude awakening HAR HAR HAR)
Im still looking around and that girl that I keep mentioning about having a giant crush on ... still isn't there. le sigh.. neither is the group of popular girls who said they would come.
3rd band goes on.... goofy freakin band.. but cool. At one point they were doing a punk cover of the ABC's and at another they were covering Enrique's Hero. Their singer tossed dildo shapped vegetables at the crowd. Our drummer got involved with it and it became this big giant thing.. har har ... fun times.
So then its time for us to set up. I go to buy a bottle of water and the group of popular girls surprises me. Im excited to see them because I was gonna hang out with them after the set and be all buddy buddy with some beautiful ladies. I tell them though that they got here just in time and I went up on the stage. Then went off again to go to the bathroom. Hey nature calls.
We start our set and we freakin rip shit up!!! like we were on fire man ... best set we've ever played it was totally hardcore the crowd was into it. We even had a little mosh pit which was our first mosh pit. The pit died down after the second song but still. There was this totally hot girl in the front of the stage, she was probably too young for me but I still kept makin eyes at her during our set. She went to the side stage on the last couple songs though... so either I creeped her out or made her so crotch-happy that she had to get away for awhile... Im thinking the latter perhaps, but we had the whole bars attention... nobody was doing something else.
Then holy crap after the set people from the other bands were jumping all over us asking us to join the guelph scene and start playing shows with them. They kept bugging the promoter apparently to add us to shows with them (Note we have a new show next saturday.. I don't know the details.. more on the situation about that later perhaps)
So I go outside for some cool air cuz I was about to die from all the sweaty tiredness that was I. I say goodbye and congrats to the guys in the band who had to leave after and I go back inside to talk to the popular group of girls and the girlfriend of my friend... but none of them were there.
This other band that I liked was playing so I stayed and checked them out but was really bitter that they all left and that girl I had a crush on didn't show at all.
The last band played (A friend of mine is their singer) They had technical problems and their set wasn't spectacular but it was pretty good. I shook his hand and said good job man and then I was out.
and so I found a message on my phone from girl I had a crush on stating that her friends car broke down and they couldn't make it because of that. Fair enough you do not get wrath, I then spoke to friends girlfriend and she said she loved our set and her friends who were into metal and hardcore said we were amazing but she had to leave after to take someone home or something like that... okay very little wrath just a bitter little... glad you enjoyed it but it would have been cool if I could have talked to you after. The group of popular girls however have yet to explain their abscence .. I've tried contacting them and nothing... they are going to get so much wrath!!!
oh Northstar... sarcastic wrath for you. (see opening part of journal entry)
So that was basically the night. First decent night of my break. This night however I had to not go to an apparent band practise that is still unconfirmed as to if it took place or not, I got forced into work by my mother and by the bitchy lady that now runs the milton part of the HCR temp agency. I don't know if Im going to persue much more work over my christmas break. I don't exactly need it and Im so sore after this shift... although 88 bucks a day ... I don't know if its worth it or not... if I work assembly it is cuz thats easy.
anyway thats all for now.
till next time
Same Scatt time, Same Scatt Channel.
music: From Autumn to Ashes: All I taste today is whats her name.
mood: Im sore.. somebody come rub my back. Northstar you owe me. lol.
oh and now get this.... girl I have a crush on is super-pissed at me cuz I put something about people standing me up in my msn name and she thought I was talking about her and gave me a three page e-mail run down about how much of a jerk I am for saying that. I hate when people think the world revolves around them... I wasn't even talking about her. aarrgh.
congrats on your show. i've been trying to get on this new year's eve show but the kid whose birthday show it is won't reply andhe's supposed ot be my bud. but i had a tremendous time at a show the other night, so everyone seems to be having a generally good week thus far.
also, consider that you might be able to score a buck or two playing shows throughout your break, and that might help make up for peopel being assholes at temp agencies. i've been there before.