So first I wasn't mentioned in the funniest members thread
now Im not mentioned among the best guys on the site.
I feel so unappreciated and unspecial.
(please note that any addition of me will only be taken as sympathy and not legite awesomeness of me)
now Im not mentioned among the best guys on the site.
I feel so unappreciated and unspecial.
(please note that any addition of me will only be taken as sympathy and not legite awesomeness of me)
Im sorry i didnt realize there was such a thread....and if i would of known and therefore i would of added you to both...if it makes u feel any better i wasnt on them either of course im not a guy so im not elligable for one of them but still....I love you thats all that matters
I didn't even know these threads were goin on, but I still think you have super awesomeness