Okay ... so I know I put a lot of negative shit on my journal don't I. Maybe I'm a negative person. I don't mean to be.
...so here's some postive and my attempt to thank everyone for still bieng my SG buddy even though I probably depress the fuck out of everyone. So here goes a list of my friends.. and why I think each of you are awesome;
(yes I stole this idea from Niobe but I don't think she'll mind.
Adora When Adora first appeared as an SG I wanted to get to know her, especially after I found out she was into the same music I was (more or less) which makes her infinatley more interesting. When I did get to know her (as little as I do I suppose) I found an awesome, attractive, beautiful person.
Ayres What can I say about Ayres? I love Ayres cuz she fills up my journal.
kidding. I love Ayres cuz shes an incredibly supportive, fun and tough person. I wish she lived closer so we could hang out and drink coffee every day.
Billy_Ben Billy_Ben teaches me everything I need to know about the Juggalos.. and thats cool, cuz back in the day when The Great Milenko came out I was into ICP. There kinda my guilty pleasure band.
bird I miss bird, I don't know where she's been in the past little while, but her page is still active. bird was probably the cookiest, coolest cat I'd seen on this page when I first started chatting with her.
BOONDOCKSAINT I feel bad that I don't know this dude very well, but he seems pretty righteous and is into the same kinda heavy music shit I am into so thats rad.
Brie Im sorry Brie, I don't remember why we became SG buddies but Im glad we are cuz I love opinionated people who don't shove their opinions down someone elses throat. You rule.
Bryn Bryn is another person I miss. I had a job on her Pirate ship but I forget what it was. Come back Bryn.
Cael I don't know what to say about Cael since I don't know her too well. Shes definatley an interesting person and contrary to her possible belief Im not her SG buddy just because shes beautiful.. which she is though.
Celest New name, but still the same beautiful girl who is one of the only SG people that wanted to talk to me over AOL or MSN or whatever it is... sorry hun that I don't use that anymore. I hope you decide to stay.
Cereal_Killer CK was the only person who hung out with me when I went to an SG get together. I look back at that thing and laugh now. The only SGs that acctually talked to me aren't here anymore.. and I was really shy. CK has always been a voice of truth and honesty which is totally valuable to have in your life.. even if its just online.
civeta_dei Im sorry I don't know much about this person. I know that the number 12 looks like them. lol. I also haven't heard from them in a while.
Clover Clover thought I was hot. True story.
Cricket Cricket is an awesome painter and I like that.. she also liked one of my paintings which is cool too. She was at that get together I was at .. but she was too busy talking to SUM41 ... I don't blame her. The drummer came and talked to me and CK for like 2 seconds and all he said was awdajfeajfeaf;jdlajfad; too which I believe I replied Rock and Roll.
DeceptiviewFilm One of the only guys who knows the Transformers movie as well as I do. remember I nominate myself as the new leader? hahaha that was fun.
Dominicella I just added this girl to my friends list but look forward to knowing her more. An LP fan which is cool ... since Chester is one of my Idols.
Edea Edea is a big ball of hotness and Im so honored that she wanted to be my buddy on SG. She always has nice things to say to me or just leaves little smiles that brighten my day. Im working on this drawing of you by the way. Its a comic book cover of you as the ninja character.
Emilia I really like Emilia... honest, sweet, beautiful, shes awesome and she likes good music which is a key thing to me.
EvilG This guys a cool cat .. nuff said.
Faye Having only known Faye for a little while I can say she gives awesome advice, and is really beautiful on the inside and out. Thanks for being so sweet and supportive.
Germany When Germany first came on this site as an SG I think I fainted then I was honored to have her as an SG Buddy... but now I miss her cuz I haven't heard from her in a while. My favorite SG and quite possibly the raddest person on this website... besides me of course.
gigglefuckbunny I believe she was on of the first people on this site to be added to my friends list. I also think shes the most interesting, surprising people here. I also think shes exceptionally beautiful.
Gitsie Gitsie is the cutest thing, and shes cool like woah.
Grey on the advice of Kiscica I started trying to get Grey's attention and once I did she started not being around so much. I still think Grey is quite Rad and hope to start seeing more of her.
hopesfall hahaha FUCKER!!! hahahahah. I love this guy and Im not afraid to say it.
Interpol A funny motherfucker whos never on this stie... but its cool cuz Im still his SG buddy
JasonxStar One fateful day in Toronto I was 'sposed to meet this dude but we didn't co-ordinate well enough to make it happen. Maybe someday cuz he seems like a rad dude. I think there was an In Flames concert thing that also got fucked up....
Jasperellah Dude... Soul Calibur? whens it gonna happen yo!! I can't wait to kick your ass at it.
Kanmi Im excited to have Kanmi as a friend. She seems so rad already. We have plans for blankets cookies and movies.
Kelland What could I say about Kelland. She gives me butterflys in my stomach... if I ever met her I'd probably be the shyest kid in the world. I think shes beautiful and intelligent which is a deadly combination. Very enigmatic and interesting. Beautiful writer too.
klonopin_chugger Another voice of constant reason and honesty. That rules and hes funny in the weirdest way. His comments always make me laugh.
littledeadkid This guy breathes fire.. how cool is THAT!!! A good dude to SG talk with.
LTrain... .... .. Where the fuck are you?!!? hahaha
You make me laugh and think so get yer ass back here.
Lux_Eterna I forget how I started talking with LUX but hopefully I'll get to talk to this person again.
Magenta ONE COOL CAT!! totally. Never change and keep on Rockin in the free world.
MistakesMade I hope MM comes back, she used to say I rocked her world .. .but shes rocks mine just as much.
mtlqueen I find atrists really cool.. and she works in metal and jewlery and the tea cup rings thing she made was completley awesome. Thanks for all your awesome comments and support
Niobe I hope you don't mind that I stole your idea.. but it made me feel good and I hope to do so for everyone else. Since your a fellow LP fan and your one of the nicest people I've met here I want to thank you for being my buddy.
no50 Remember dude you're just like me a senstive extremely good lookin dude.
Your posts are cool even if only a few people read them. Keep on Rockin in the free world.
northstar I had a chance to acctually post back and forth with Northstar and it was awesome. We are gonna make out one day apparently. Which I think is rad.
Posh Posh's coolness is hard to measure.. its off the charts really. Posh has always been a secret favorite of mine... then she became an SG buddy of mine and now I look forward to gettin to know her a bit more. Keep on Rockin
primadonna I love you primadonna and I wish only the best for you. Thanks for all the support and love you've given me.
PussyKat I don't know much about her ... she looks like someone I used to know but its not her. She is cool and interesting.
rednineteen One of my first friends on SG.. and I think I was one of her first too. When shes around shes awesome.. but you haven't been around in ages.
RobRebelette Dude you make me laugh so hard sometimes.
Rose My first SG friend.. and the first SG .. how cool was that. She was also the first SG to comment on my journal entries.. I think the first person on the site to do so too. Im totally honored to have her as a friend and I wish only the best for you cuz thats what you deserve.
RuneLateralus HAHA Dude I knew you before you were celebrity. Can I have the nintendo you won!! hahaha.
RxQueen I don't know what to say about RxQueen that would do you justice. There is too much awesome about you to put it into proper words.
Ryan Ryan you are the most beautiful awesome person I've ever inter-met. I know those words were what you used for me but they apply to you too. Fast food is the devil .... but I still haven't read that damn book.
savacool Dude where you been. An early friend of mine who kicks ass.
Seven When Seven first posted on my journal she said I was a legend. I don't know what that meant .... but I felt honored even if it was some sort of typo. lol. Seven is cool in a lot of ways and Im glad shes my SG buddy.
SuperScott Hilarious nuff said. Your glasses with the tape around them are hella-cool.
Synnove Remember when I wrote that song .. I didn't think you'd read it .. or even like it. But you are hella-cool but you already know that doncha.
Tiamat Easily the nicest person to me. I love you for how cool you've been to me and I hope one day to hang out with you in BC or TO
unique3 You are totally awesome and totally nice.. thank you for all your kindness and support. Keep on rockin in the free world.
xAtreyux Do you know how much you rock? You rock hella-hard. I love all the things you love and thats super-cool.
xhavokx I don't know what happened to you.. where you been? come back come back!!
Zoe I think you are the cutest thing I've seen.... From what I know of you, you are hella-cool very intelligent and beyond Sexy. You've also been hella-nice to me which I can't thank you enough for.
Zui Zui makes me smile.. so much. Fun, cute, probably hyper, smart, kinda goofy all these excellent traits.
...wow that took a long time.. I hope you guys like these comments. Now I gotta go to math class.
peace love and soul
Music: Emery - Bloodless
Mood: Thanks everyone for being so awesome.
...so here's some postive and my attempt to thank everyone for still bieng my SG buddy even though I probably depress the fuck out of everyone. So here goes a list of my friends.. and why I think each of you are awesome;
(yes I stole this idea from Niobe but I don't think she'll mind.
Adora When Adora first appeared as an SG I wanted to get to know her, especially after I found out she was into the same music I was (more or less) which makes her infinatley more interesting. When I did get to know her (as little as I do I suppose) I found an awesome, attractive, beautiful person.
Ayres What can I say about Ayres? I love Ayres cuz she fills up my journal.

Billy_Ben Billy_Ben teaches me everything I need to know about the Juggalos.. and thats cool, cuz back in the day when The Great Milenko came out I was into ICP. There kinda my guilty pleasure band.
bird I miss bird, I don't know where she's been in the past little while, but her page is still active. bird was probably the cookiest, coolest cat I'd seen on this page when I first started chatting with her.
BOONDOCKSAINT I feel bad that I don't know this dude very well, but he seems pretty righteous and is into the same kinda heavy music shit I am into so thats rad.
Brie Im sorry Brie, I don't remember why we became SG buddies but Im glad we are cuz I love opinionated people who don't shove their opinions down someone elses throat. You rule.
Bryn Bryn is another person I miss. I had a job on her Pirate ship but I forget what it was. Come back Bryn.
Cael I don't know what to say about Cael since I don't know her too well. Shes definatley an interesting person and contrary to her possible belief Im not her SG buddy just because shes beautiful.. which she is though.
Celest New name, but still the same beautiful girl who is one of the only SG people that wanted to talk to me over AOL or MSN or whatever it is... sorry hun that I don't use that anymore. I hope you decide to stay.

Cereal_Killer CK was the only person who hung out with me when I went to an SG get together. I look back at that thing and laugh now. The only SGs that acctually talked to me aren't here anymore.. and I was really shy. CK has always been a voice of truth and honesty which is totally valuable to have in your life.. even if its just online.
civeta_dei Im sorry I don't know much about this person. I know that the number 12 looks like them. lol. I also haven't heard from them in a while.
Clover Clover thought I was hot. True story.
Cricket Cricket is an awesome painter and I like that.. she also liked one of my paintings which is cool too. She was at that get together I was at .. but she was too busy talking to SUM41 ... I don't blame her. The drummer came and talked to me and CK for like 2 seconds and all he said was awdajfeajfeaf;jdlajfad; too which I believe I replied Rock and Roll.
DeceptiviewFilm One of the only guys who knows the Transformers movie as well as I do. remember I nominate myself as the new leader? hahaha that was fun.
Dominicella I just added this girl to my friends list but look forward to knowing her more. An LP fan which is cool ... since Chester is one of my Idols.
Edea Edea is a big ball of hotness and Im so honored that she wanted to be my buddy on SG. She always has nice things to say to me or just leaves little smiles that brighten my day. Im working on this drawing of you by the way. Its a comic book cover of you as the ninja character.

Emilia I really like Emilia... honest, sweet, beautiful, shes awesome and she likes good music which is a key thing to me.
EvilG This guys a cool cat .. nuff said.
Faye Having only known Faye for a little while I can say she gives awesome advice, and is really beautiful on the inside and out. Thanks for being so sweet and supportive.

Germany When Germany first came on this site as an SG I think I fainted then I was honored to have her as an SG Buddy... but now I miss her cuz I haven't heard from her in a while. My favorite SG and quite possibly the raddest person on this website... besides me of course.

gigglefuckbunny I believe she was on of the first people on this site to be added to my friends list. I also think shes the most interesting, surprising people here. I also think shes exceptionally beautiful.

Gitsie Gitsie is the cutest thing, and shes cool like woah.
Grey on the advice of Kiscica I started trying to get Grey's attention and once I did she started not being around so much. I still think Grey is quite Rad and hope to start seeing more of her.
hopesfall hahaha FUCKER!!! hahahahah. I love this guy and Im not afraid to say it.

Interpol A funny motherfucker whos never on this stie... but its cool cuz Im still his SG buddy
JasonxStar One fateful day in Toronto I was 'sposed to meet this dude but we didn't co-ordinate well enough to make it happen. Maybe someday cuz he seems like a rad dude. I think there was an In Flames concert thing that also got fucked up....
Jasperellah Dude... Soul Calibur? whens it gonna happen yo!! I can't wait to kick your ass at it.
Kanmi Im excited to have Kanmi as a friend. She seems so rad already. We have plans for blankets cookies and movies.

Kelland What could I say about Kelland. She gives me butterflys in my stomach... if I ever met her I'd probably be the shyest kid in the world. I think shes beautiful and intelligent which is a deadly combination. Very enigmatic and interesting. Beautiful writer too.

klonopin_chugger Another voice of constant reason and honesty. That rules and hes funny in the weirdest way. His comments always make me laugh.
littledeadkid This guy breathes fire.. how cool is THAT!!! A good dude to SG talk with.
LTrain... .... .. Where the fuck are you?!!? hahaha
You make me laugh and think so get yer ass back here.
Lux_Eterna I forget how I started talking with LUX but hopefully I'll get to talk to this person again.
Magenta ONE COOL CAT!! totally. Never change and keep on Rockin in the free world.
MistakesMade I hope MM comes back, she used to say I rocked her world .. .but shes rocks mine just as much.

mtlqueen I find atrists really cool.. and she works in metal and jewlery and the tea cup rings thing she made was completley awesome. Thanks for all your awesome comments and support
Niobe I hope you don't mind that I stole your idea.. but it made me feel good and I hope to do so for everyone else. Since your a fellow LP fan and your one of the nicest people I've met here I want to thank you for being my buddy.
no50 Remember dude you're just like me a senstive extremely good lookin dude.

northstar I had a chance to acctually post back and forth with Northstar and it was awesome. We are gonna make out one day apparently. Which I think is rad.

Posh Posh's coolness is hard to measure.. its off the charts really. Posh has always been a secret favorite of mine... then she became an SG buddy of mine and now I look forward to gettin to know her a bit more. Keep on Rockin

primadonna I love you primadonna and I wish only the best for you. Thanks for all the support and love you've given me.

PussyKat I don't know much about her ... she looks like someone I used to know but its not her. She is cool and interesting.
rednineteen One of my first friends on SG.. and I think I was one of her first too. When shes around shes awesome.. but you haven't been around in ages.
RobRebelette Dude you make me laugh so hard sometimes.
Rose My first SG friend.. and the first SG .. how cool was that. She was also the first SG to comment on my journal entries.. I think the first person on the site to do so too. Im totally honored to have her as a friend and I wish only the best for you cuz thats what you deserve.
RuneLateralus HAHA Dude I knew you before you were celebrity. Can I have the nintendo you won!! hahaha.

RxQueen I don't know what to say about RxQueen that would do you justice. There is too much awesome about you to put it into proper words.

Ryan Ryan you are the most beautiful awesome person I've ever inter-met. I know those words were what you used for me but they apply to you too. Fast food is the devil .... but I still haven't read that damn book.
savacool Dude where you been. An early friend of mine who kicks ass.
Seven When Seven first posted on my journal she said I was a legend. I don't know what that meant .... but I felt honored even if it was some sort of typo. lol. Seven is cool in a lot of ways and Im glad shes my SG buddy.
SuperScott Hilarious nuff said. Your glasses with the tape around them are hella-cool.
Synnove Remember when I wrote that song .. I didn't think you'd read it .. or even like it. But you are hella-cool but you already know that doncha.

Tiamat Easily the nicest person to me. I love you for how cool you've been to me and I hope one day to hang out with you in BC or TO
unique3 You are totally awesome and totally nice.. thank you for all your kindness and support. Keep on rockin in the free world.
xAtreyux Do you know how much you rock? You rock hella-hard. I love all the things you love and thats super-cool.
xhavokx I don't know what happened to you.. where you been? come back come back!!

Zoe I think you are the cutest thing I've seen.... From what I know of you, you are hella-cool very intelligent and beyond Sexy. You've also been hella-nice to me which I can't thank you enough for.
Zui Zui makes me smile.. so much. Fun, cute, probably hyper, smart, kinda goofy all these excellent traits.
...wow that took a long time.. I hope you guys like these comments. Now I gotta go to math class.
peace love and soul
Music: Emery - Bloodless
Mood: Thanks everyone for being so awesome.
so much love to u for being u
xoxo tiamat