I have come to the conclusion that movies do in fact currupt, warp and augment average totally normal peoples minds, and actions.
but its not the action movies with people killing people that currupt us. Its not like these films starring an unbelievably fit person who knows 30 degrees of karate and weapons handling killing people makes an average person believe that he or she can go around killing people and getting the girl in a knock down drag out final fight that leaves the cops cheering you too much to press charges for all the murder and destruction.
Its not the raunchy tity movies with toilet humor and vulgarity that make the average person wanna go out and shout shit at the top of their lungs and grab the next hot woman they see and stick their tounge down their throats.
Remember we are talking about average people here. There are people with less than average intelligence that may just go ahead and do stupid stuff like that but thats not who we are talking about... average joes like you and me.
These are the movies that currupt us. Movies about average joes, movies about people living below their means (be it mentally, socially, or physically) given that drop from the sky opportunity that we all want and making their lives better. We tend to believe that hey maybe the hot girl will move next door to the somewhat handsome loser that reminds you of yourself and change his life for the better. We tend to let ourselves think that hey if we just sit here in our normalcy and our day to day nothing-ness something will come to us cuz hey the movies say so and hey the movie characters are real people just like me. They may be fictionalized characters but they look like real people. So Im just gonna believe for a second that something big can happen to me out of nowhere. Because Im just like that normal person, my life is going nowhere... Im not living to my potential... but something will come out of the sky for me cuz dammit it happened to a million different characters in movies and TV.
yeah this is about me.
peace love and soul
music: I'm not okay(I promise) My Chemical Romance
mood: Why have I wasted my life... maybe something will drop out of the sky and change it. But it won't... cuz this is reality.
but its not the action movies with people killing people that currupt us. Its not like these films starring an unbelievably fit person who knows 30 degrees of karate and weapons handling killing people makes an average person believe that he or she can go around killing people and getting the girl in a knock down drag out final fight that leaves the cops cheering you too much to press charges for all the murder and destruction.
Its not the raunchy tity movies with toilet humor and vulgarity that make the average person wanna go out and shout shit at the top of their lungs and grab the next hot woman they see and stick their tounge down their throats.
Remember we are talking about average people here. There are people with less than average intelligence that may just go ahead and do stupid stuff like that but thats not who we are talking about... average joes like you and me.
These are the movies that currupt us. Movies about average joes, movies about people living below their means (be it mentally, socially, or physically) given that drop from the sky opportunity that we all want and making their lives better. We tend to believe that hey maybe the hot girl will move next door to the somewhat handsome loser that reminds you of yourself and change his life for the better. We tend to let ourselves think that hey if we just sit here in our normalcy and our day to day nothing-ness something will come to us cuz hey the movies say so and hey the movie characters are real people just like me. They may be fictionalized characters but they look like real people. So Im just gonna believe for a second that something big can happen to me out of nowhere. Because Im just like that normal person, my life is going nowhere... Im not living to my potential... but something will come out of the sky for me cuz dammit it happened to a million different characters in movies and TV.
yeah this is about me.
peace love and soul
music: I'm not okay(I promise) My Chemical Romance
mood: Why have I wasted my life... maybe something will drop out of the sky and change it. But it won't... cuz this is reality.
i wasnt being sarcastic i thought it was an interesting point. and music snobs are the worst. i would hate to be labled just because of that! i read somewhere you went to a poison the well/thursday show, what did you think?

oh shit! sucks for that guy, no one threw shit at the show they played here (i hate when people do that) i actually dont even remember engine down playing. im sure they werent horrible