Today I move on back to the residence in the hammer. Maybe I'll have a roomate maybe they'll let me have my own room for a while. In that case party!! rock on!! but hey maybe if they do give me a new roomate right away he'll be a cool guy that respects other people instead of a loud mouth annoying jack ass.
new years resolutions are getting harder and harder every day. The fast food one is going well though I just realize how gross it acctually is and that helps me say no. Confidence is tough though. but I had this dream about the two sides of my personality at war with eachother in total gang style. The confident dreamer side was winning when I woke up ... so maybe thats a message that I should take into account.
Im updating now cuz who knows how the internet will work in the mohawk college residence.... its very hit or miss. Im also dying my hair black today. Well deepest Indigo is the color so theres a slight hint of blue in it too. YAY!!
and for the record, or those who are interested that girl that I had been loopey about in the past, it seems like I may never see her again. She totally has cut me off of phone, internet or in person conversations and our classes are seperated in the new semester. This makes me very sad right now.... but then I think maybe it'll be healthier as I can't torture myself over the perfect girl that I cant do anything about. Hopefully I find a new girl in the new semester. One who is available and one who would acctually consider a shy ugly pretty boy like me.
But thats enough self-deprecation. Part of my resolution was to stop doing that. Old habits die hard I guess.
Well thats it
new years resolutions are getting harder and harder every day. The fast food one is going well though I just realize how gross it acctually is and that helps me say no. Confidence is tough though. but I had this dream about the two sides of my personality at war with eachother in total gang style. The confident dreamer side was winning when I woke up ... so maybe thats a message that I should take into account.
Im updating now cuz who knows how the internet will work in the mohawk college residence.... its very hit or miss. Im also dying my hair black today. Well deepest Indigo is the color so theres a slight hint of blue in it too. YAY!!
and for the record, or those who are interested that girl that I had been loopey about in the past, it seems like I may never see her again. She totally has cut me off of phone, internet or in person conversations and our classes are seperated in the new semester. This makes me very sad right now.... but then I think maybe it'll be healthier as I can't torture myself over the perfect girl that I cant do anything about. Hopefully I find a new girl in the new semester. One who is available and one who would acctually consider a shy ugly pretty boy like me.
But thats enough self-deprecation. Part of my resolution was to stop doing that. Old habits die hard I guess.
Well thats it
something like speed racer or scooby doo would be so much more fun!