So now that I am awake, clean, and sitting down with a coffee, good music, and a clear head I can write a real entry... instead of those two fake ones.
I was going to just leave the first one but everyone was complaining that I complain to much. The first one was just a song lyric... ... relax. Im pretty sure Im a cool guy. At least Im a rad guy. I dunno if thats better than cool or not. I don't know how the grading thing works.
So to the point, My "adventure" on Sunday and Monday. Although Kiscica and Deanna have already described it pretty well, I might as well give it a try for shits and giggles. *pause for coffee* .... ouch its still too hot ... .. So Sunday night Kiscica arrives. I was worried that she got lost, and she did. Poor thing was sooo aggrivated at my crazy little town when she arrived. She was still such a cool person and our little car ride to Hamilton was something .. between getting lost and everything. So we arrived at Deanna's place and we were off to pick up Anouck and a passenger who turned out to be Quinne. So there I was in a car with gorgeous women ... life was good. Although they talked on end and I just threw in little statements here and there that may or may not have elicited a laugh or two. (putting on my clown suit so people will like me) *pause for coffee* mmmm ...... anyway Kiscica's cozey little car overheats and luckily the ride program was right there to offer us NO assistance.. but still ask us if we had anythign to drink. Well at least they are doing their jobs.
So Cereal_Killer and bigpunkmike came by to pick us all up good on them for that. We spent a lot of time chilling around a 711. Well Anouck and I did .... apparently there was a big party at kiscica's car that we missed.
We arrived at the party and there were a lot of cool people there... cool people there that I couldn't talk to cuz they didn't want to talk to me.... so I let myself believe. Im shy and very turtle-ish. Im short, Im fat, and I hide in a shell. very turtle-ish. Cricket, Sum41, Tegan, Noelle.. I think, were all there. Good ole Cereal_Killer took pitty on me and hung out with me for a lot of the night, and I had various small encounters with everyone else. But we had arrived so late that we were really a non-entity at the party.. except for those who stand out. (I.E. not me)
We go back to Tegan's and I finally get introduced to some of these people with Tegan asking "So who the hell are you" and some tatoo guy sorta mocked me after that.... but he was drunk and I laughed it off anyway. I think that guy was fivetwo but Im not entirely sure. We slept there, I on a lazy boy that hurt my neck in the morning but I slept well at least.
Then the afternoon came and we had breakfast at this cool little place where I had "The worlds best fries" my diagnosis.... ... It is a VERY arrogant title for the type of fries they had. *pause for coffee* ... mmmm extra dark/extra sweet .... anyway after coffee there was talk of the transportation home and it looked more and more like I should not be involved in the car ride home as it was full so I said my goodbyes and got a ride to Union Station from CK... thanks bud. Then I got lost around the skydome trying to find the bloody skywalk to get to Union Station. I asked information and they looked at me and said "umm sir... ... its right around the corner"
Oh well. Got on a train to milton. My buddy James gave me a drive home from there... he such an awesome guy to do that... even though its not that far.
All in all it was a strangely awkward night that Im glad happened cuz I met some rad rad people. Hopefully even made some friends out of them.
Till next,
Same Scatt Time, Same Scatt Channel.
Music: Sinch - Bitmap ( a cool ambient metal kinda tune. I like it)
Mood: Don't really know.
OH! and Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.
So now that I am awake, clean, and sitting down with a coffee, good music, and a clear head I can write a real entry... instead of those two fake ones.
I was going to just leave the first one but everyone was complaining that I complain to much. The first one was just a song lyric... ... relax. Im pretty sure Im a cool guy. At least Im a rad guy. I dunno if thats better than cool or not. I don't know how the grading thing works.
So to the point, My "adventure" on Sunday and Monday. Although Kiscica and Deanna have already described it pretty well, I might as well give it a try for shits and giggles. *pause for coffee* .... ouch its still too hot ... .. So Sunday night Kiscica arrives. I was worried that she got lost, and she did. Poor thing was sooo aggrivated at my crazy little town when she arrived. She was still such a cool person and our little car ride to Hamilton was something .. between getting lost and everything. So we arrived at Deanna's place and we were off to pick up Anouck and a passenger who turned out to be Quinne. So there I was in a car with gorgeous women ... life was good. Although they talked on end and I just threw in little statements here and there that may or may not have elicited a laugh or two. (putting on my clown suit so people will like me) *pause for coffee* mmmm ...... anyway Kiscica's cozey little car overheats and luckily the ride program was right there to offer us NO assistance.. but still ask us if we had anythign to drink. Well at least they are doing their jobs.
So Cereal_Killer and bigpunkmike came by to pick us all up good on them for that. We spent a lot of time chilling around a 711. Well Anouck and I did .... apparently there was a big party at kiscica's car that we missed.
We arrived at the party and there were a lot of cool people there... cool people there that I couldn't talk to cuz they didn't want to talk to me.... so I let myself believe. Im shy and very turtle-ish. Im short, Im fat, and I hide in a shell. very turtle-ish. Cricket, Sum41, Tegan, Noelle.. I think, were all there. Good ole Cereal_Killer took pitty on me and hung out with me for a lot of the night, and I had various small encounters with everyone else. But we had arrived so late that we were really a non-entity at the party.. except for those who stand out. (I.E. not me)
We go back to Tegan's and I finally get introduced to some of these people with Tegan asking "So who the hell are you" and some tatoo guy sorta mocked me after that.... but he was drunk and I laughed it off anyway. I think that guy was fivetwo but Im not entirely sure. We slept there, I on a lazy boy that hurt my neck in the morning but I slept well at least.
Then the afternoon came and we had breakfast at this cool little place where I had "The worlds best fries" my diagnosis.... ... It is a VERY arrogant title for the type of fries they had. *pause for coffee* ... mmmm extra dark/extra sweet .... anyway after coffee there was talk of the transportation home and it looked more and more like I should not be involved in the car ride home as it was full so I said my goodbyes and got a ride to Union Station from CK... thanks bud. Then I got lost around the skydome trying to find the bloody skywalk to get to Union Station. I asked information and they looked at me and said "umm sir... ... its right around the corner"
All in all it was a strangely awkward night that Im glad happened cuz I met some rad rad people. Hopefully even made some friends out of them.
Till next,
Same Scatt Time, Same Scatt Channel.
Music: Sinch - Bitmap ( a cool ambient metal kinda tune. I like it)
Mood: Don't really know.
OH! and Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.