Arent monkeys great?!?!?
Though sometimes I prefer giraffs......
I bought new books yesterday....
Terry Pratchett - Mort / Sourcery / The last Continent - which is all about a land called Four X (Australia).
They cost me around $70 - Goddamnit why are books so fucking expensive? Id get them second hand but they're way too popular. Its probably because they're popluar enough that people like me are will to spend $25 per fucking book. I part of the problem.
What makes me sad: watching two boys pull apart computers while swearig and cursing other peoples names - I just know that for the next few hours at least one of them is going to be a pain in the fucking arse. *sigh*.
pride and stuborness... Fuckcicle pops.
In other news - eat my fuck.
Lastnight was really busy at work coz today is ANZAC day and a public holiday but we had to close at 3am because we wernt allowed to sell alcohol after 3am - so the boss wasnt making any money so instead of leaving it open for the girls to make money ...... we closed.
Joe and Kylie come in after the Korn concert - I dont like Korn but I would have liked to see Disturbed who were also playing. Poor kids were fucked.
And then at the end of the night I had to stop one of the girls killing another. I heard Greta out the back yelling "OI, Oi!" at them and then screaming and yelling in the background so i ran out hte back and stood inbetween S1 and S2 and broke it up.... aparently S1 hit S2 - charges might be pressed .
Oh another fun filled night at the Cabaret...
I love my job.