
Saturday, we went out to a vegan restaurant for my sister's birthday. Um, all I can say is the food did not convince me to drop the dead food.

She had planned on going to go watch the game at a friend's bar for her birthday, since Amanda and I weren't really keen on being trapped on 17th for the night, we went to...
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This film made Columbus's work seem subtle? Oh, that doesn't sound good at all. I shudder to think what could make him seem more than simply competent.

It's odd. When the first film came out, the biggest complaint I heard was that it was "too faithful" to the book. That the film was bloated and moved oddly because unnecessary scenes were jammed in in an effort to be faithful (so said the naysayers). The complaint about the second film was usually that it was "too scary" for the youngins. I don't know. But it does seem odd that the longest book adapted thus far would have the shortest running time. I'll have to judge when I see it.

Sorry to hear about your busification. Hope money is being made from your lack of SG presence.

Actually, at its core They Live is a biting satire of Reaganomics and other economic policies of the 80s. Perhaps the most amusing part is the idea that reality really is "black and white" and that ambiguity (i.e. color) is added to fool us. I think it seems to be pure drivel and mindless fun because that was the intention. Much like his earlier film Darkstar (which, if you haven't seen it, rent it now), at first glance it appears a silly little film, but underneath it's silly surface it's a biting satire.
Dude I dyed my hair. As my best friend you are obligated to come see it and tell me how great it looks. biggrin

Oh and I miss you. frown

oink oink oink
Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.
-Oscar Wilde


New Koston's. Effin' 'A"!


Well, my brother says Hello. So, hooray for speech therapy.
-Emo Philips


It's my sister's birthday this weekend. She's celebrating with vegan cuisine and watching Game 6 at her friend's house.

Somewhere in that equation is a pool...
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not watching the play offs at all never have gotten into hockey may be that i have lived in fairly warm climates most of my life. can't say i couldn't be persuaded though with a few beers!

hope the week is a good one for you.
I like your quotes. Thanks for the party suggestions. It should turn out great I'm sure. I'm just working on making invitations now. I think it will have to include some funny jokes like this one: How do you know your white trash? When your twelve year old is smoking at the dinner table with her children. Or when your pumpkin has more teeth then your husband. biggrin
Got the Harry Potter theme song stuck in my head. No amount of Grrr-Raw music is ripping it out.

I'm peeing myself in anticipation of seeing it. It's gotten some really good reviews. I'm thinking we may try to sneak in a viewing this weekend.


So how geeky is it that I'm trying to put together a full Quidditch uniform for Halloween 6...
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That's ok. I'm patient. Still love me yeah?biggrin As long as you love me nothing matters...hehe...
You as a woman...

You know what I just realized? I don't know your hair color!
You ever talk to someone on the phone and, while you're doing it, you think to yourself "I think I sound like spaz"?

Days later, you stop and think about it and decide "yeah, I definitely sounded like a spaz".

Where's an emoticon making the "Loser" hand gesture when you need one. frown


Went to the pub for Amanda's birthday. Drank a wee bit, had...
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I never think "spaz," but I do constantly revise in my head what I should've said. The me three days later is much cooler than the me currently talking on the phone. I suspect that's the same with most people.

Sounds like low-key goodtimes were had.

I'm uber-excited about the new film. Most amusingly, the person I know who is most excited is my father. You'd have to know my father to really appreciate it, but that he's this excited about what could be concievably considered a "kiddie flick" is really amusing. One of the few films that I'm actually considering breaking my "never opening weekend" rule for.

The non-life you and Amanda share sounds sweet, actually.

I own no green socks. Consider me offically jealous of you green socks and your non-life.

The dialogue snippet was from inside my head. Sometimes it's easier to get an idea across in dialogue.

A broken wrist sounds very bad. It's a compound joint so I imagine that it probably didn't heal completely after the first break, unless you did physical therapy.

"Paying your dues" is a vominous idea, and I wish I could torture the fucking prick who thought it up. Whenever I hear it it makes me angrier than I should get.
Hello sweet pea!

I'm back at work today but I'm really busy but I just wanted to say that I will be back full force tomorrow.

Your journal is still lin the pink. Hehe...

Talk to you tomorrow so you best have an update slacker. wink
Yesterday afternoon, as I sat in a overly warm meeting room listening to the drone of buzzwords, I was reminded of Inigo Montoya's statement to Vizzini in the Princess Bride on the Cliffs of Insanity:

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."


It's Amanda's birthday this weekend. Our plan was to go to the pub....
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I've said that on more than one occasion. The best times are when someone will get an odd twist to their smile and I'll know they get it. Ah, well.

So it's to be sex and the game. Hmm. Good times, I'd hope.

The last time I was skateboarding I was fourteen and I broke a finger on a make-shift halfpipe. Never was really enthused about it after that.

And that, my friend, is why I'm trying my best to avoid any journalism jobs. I do not want to poison this enjoyment I get out of writing.
i love that movie...

hahaha. funny thing about cats... mine will turn up her nose at most cat food cept for one but wastes no time as far as the butt licking.
This morning I was downstairs making coffee when the alarm clock went off again. Guess we forgot to turn it off when we got up.

I started thinking about how there are alarms on everything. There's an alarm to get up, one on one's car, one on one's home, an alarm for a possible fire, for the detection of elevated levels of CO2, when your...
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nope. No alarms for me. I use my cellphone as my alarm in the morning, but I just keep it on vibrate under my pillow. But it does the trick...
I love looper, I want to find the album with treehouse on it, and the letter. yeah. smile
even worse news. Got a call that the 6 week training will be held from 5 in the morning until 1 30 in the afternoon. Since i leave an hour early for work, ill be getting up at 3 something. What the fuck!?!?
So I missed a spot shaving this morning, and being borderline obsessive compulsive I ran out and bought a cheap little disposable.

Slashed myself something fierce. Now I sit at my desk bleeding.

Oh, yeah, this will be a good day.


TV is effectively over for me. Angel has now ended, Home Movies past on in an untimely manner in April, and the new...
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nice...that leg tri-set made me wanna puke just readin it....gonna give it a whack tomorrow.

some of it? i bet you got the raised eyebrow trout look. on the bright side at least it was just your face. i recently had a "grooming" accident myself... i leave that for you to figure out. owie.
There's been an election called. I look forward to having my vote not count.


In other news, the weather has cleared up just in time for me to sit in a dank noisy office. I love the smell of toner cartridges in the morning.


Tonight is the first game of the Stanley Cup finals. I've tried, quite earnestly, to care, but I really...
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whats going on! tell me something funny...
thanks mucho for the link.
it definately helps me!

you are from calgary? i lived there till i was 9. good stuff.
Update for Monday:

"Nothing's happening, nothiing's happening... it's over... a lot of people look pissed..."


I spent five hours editing video last night, and I still think it looks like shit.


Can't talk, Angel marathon on Space. Must veg.

What the fuck else are Victoria Day's for?
deja vu. surreal
How many people here have telekinetic powers? Raise my hand.
Emo Philips.

You know, a lot of folks don't like Emo Philips. Me? I think he's hilarious.


Hokay, plans for the weekend are slim.

May go to the Vans demo, if they ever decide where it's going to be. It was planned for Millennium Park, but the weather, as most May long weekends...
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true.. i will be making much more money (well like 50% more).. still wont be able to buy my shoes at retail. frown but will be able to do a hella lot of more things than i can do now. but DAMN am i going to miss that job.