On account of a tie vote of 2-2, the winner of "Pick My Pic" is, um, that one.
Only because I actually look like that most of the time.
Thanks to all who participated. I was torn between pics one and two, and although I may change my mind later, that's the one y'all helped me decide on.
Song of the Moment: "Take Off Your Cool" - OutKast.
There's been too many "I HATE (insert style of music name here)" or "I HATE (insert name of your favourite band here)" threads. All of which have gotten completely out of hand.
It's music, people. There's something that sucks ass in every "genre" and something that kicks it equally as hard.
I'm not into "metal" or "punk" or "emo" or "purple thong rap-core" or whatever. I like music. It falls into two categories for me; I like it or I don't.
Additionally, just because ya don't share musical taste with someone, this does not, in fact, make them an idiot or a cretin. It makes them different.
*throws arms up in exasperation*
Damn, I have a big jaw. Does my jaw look big to you? It looks big to me. It's like freaky superhero comic big.
Well, spring came and went in a matter of hours today. I was updating the SQL tables and missed it.
*shakes fist angily at the sky*
Only because I actually look like that most of the time.
Thanks to all who participated. I was torn between pics one and two, and although I may change my mind later, that's the one y'all helped me decide on.
Song of the Moment: "Take Off Your Cool" - OutKast.
There's been too many "I HATE (insert style of music name here)" or "I HATE (insert name of your favourite band here)" threads. All of which have gotten completely out of hand.
It's music, people. There's something that sucks ass in every "genre" and something that kicks it equally as hard.
I'm not into "metal" or "punk" or "emo" or "purple thong rap-core" or whatever. I like music. It falls into two categories for me; I like it or I don't.
Additionally, just because ya don't share musical taste with someone, this does not, in fact, make them an idiot or a cretin. It makes them different.
*throws arms up in exasperation*
Damn, I have a big jaw. Does my jaw look big to you? It looks big to me. It's like freaky superhero comic big.
Well, spring came and went in a matter of hours today. I was updating the SQL tables and missed it.
*shakes fist angily at the sky*
cute profile pic.
Nah. Bruce Campbell has a big, superhero jaw. Jay Leno has a huge, monster jaw. You've got a normal, human jaw.
I think the site moves beyond simply "nifty" for me because it kinda sorta taps into a fetish. There's something insanely erotic, to me, about someone coming. Impossible to explain, really.
Carpenrty does have some advantages over being a computer guy. Though I doubt anyone has ever lost a thumb playing with SQL tables (and, no, I have no idea what they are; sad, I know). And I can't even remember the last time I smoked something. High school, probably.
I thought Merritt's work on Eban and Charly was better than the Pieces of April work, but I say that with the caveat that I've only lived with the PoA soundtrack for a few days. I'll probably have a reversal of that opinion in a weak when the two halves of the map connect to show me that Merritt was leading me to the city of gold all along. It's happened before. And I'm powerless to stop him. Damn.
I think you underestimate the appeal of buttshots. That's all I'm saying.
I suppose I was concious of the framing because from the beginning I was astounded by how beautiful of a film it was. Once I started noticing how the shots were structured, I couldn't stop. That might've limited my enjoyment, but I doubt it. Perhaps, as always, I was thinking too much and not experiencing enough (I can't count the number of times I've been accused of that).