Out of either kindness, or a general feeling of pity, a gaggle -- for reference purposes, that's more than a few, smaller than a army -- of our friends ventured down from their swank downtown pads last night to sit, drink and be sub-urban.
Amanda and I sit in our own personal florescent hell-cells five days a week downtown, so neither really have an urge to venture out of our house on the weekend, so it's nice when people find themselves willing to come down and visit.
Though, I think I said "Jesus Christ, keep it down, I have neighbours you know" six or seven times earlier in the evening.
I drank several more beers -- more than a couple, less than Delirium Tremens -- and decided the bastards with the incontinent corgi can fuck themselves.
Showed the house again (it's odd showing your home when you're not selling it, per se, just one mostly like it) to a nice young couple. They had this beautiful little baby girl. She stared at me throughout. Unblinking.
Up to about the age of six or so, little kids always to this to me. They simply stare, most eventually smile, but all of them just stare. I have no idea why, but nothing seems to distract them from it.
It used to creep me out substantially. I've gotten over it. It's better than them looking at me and screaming in terror, right?
Anyway, my folks are coming over tonight, Amanda's next Sunday. There are worse things.
So, how was you're weekend?
Amanda and I sit in our own personal florescent hell-cells five days a week downtown, so neither really have an urge to venture out of our house on the weekend, so it's nice when people find themselves willing to come down and visit.
Though, I think I said "Jesus Christ, keep it down, I have neighbours you know" six or seven times earlier in the evening.
I drank several more beers -- more than a couple, less than Delirium Tremens -- and decided the bastards with the incontinent corgi can fuck themselves.
Showed the house again (it's odd showing your home when you're not selling it, per se, just one mostly like it) to a nice young couple. They had this beautiful little baby girl. She stared at me throughout. Unblinking.
Up to about the age of six or so, little kids always to this to me. They simply stare, most eventually smile, but all of them just stare. I have no idea why, but nothing seems to distract them from it.
It used to creep me out substantially. I've gotten over it. It's better than them looking at me and screaming in terror, right?
Anyway, my folks are coming over tonight, Amanda's next Sunday. There are worse things.
So, how was you're weekend?
But honestly if it wasn't for you being smart you wouldn't have the kick ass job that you do which allows you for plenty of time for nonsense such as this. LOL.
[Edited on Feb 09, 2004 11:49AM]