So I started taking Feng Shui more srsly, and here's what I've discovered.

It works.

Birthday mead! Yay. And birthday Woodchuck Hard Cider! Yay.
I think my Wisdom teeth are acting up, or something. I knew I'd have to deal with them, eventually, but god damn it. :|
I've been in Seattle for a week so far, and I love it!

The flight went well enough, and the security checkpoint people were very nice. I mean it when I say that, I was half-expecting a slice of apple pie to take with me on the plane from them. I transferred once, from Rockford to Denver, and then to Seattle after that.
My sister...
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Read my sister's book! It's free for a few hours: A Hit With Fangs

Dooooo eeeeeeeetttt.
I bought it. I'll review it!smile
Glad to hear it! I hope you and the other readers enjoy it. It's a fun take on the popular vampire literature that's being written these days, and very well-researched.
Guys guys I got something else for Christmas.


And so did my cousin-in-law and my aunt and my mother! =D! We're trying to figure out what we ate. As far as I can tell, expelling gouts of Christmas fare is over. And when I puked, I felt my stomach compress, and that hurt, and puking is scary, and I want a hug because...
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So my Christmas was spent at my cousin's wife's family's farm again. This year instead of a bunch of dogs, there were barn kittens present.
Nine barn kittens.
Kittens. ;_____;
There were four yellow tabbies that look sort of like my kitty back in Florida, Lucky; a gingerbread-looking tabby that also looked like Lucky; two that looked like they fell into...
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So last week I pre-ordered Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. It was only $17.99, because I ordered it early, and oh god now I have more Baldur's Gate to play, and this time it isn't because of mods introducing new content, but because of official new content and and and and

http://baldursgate.com/index.en.html < ---- You get here.
So my sister and I managed to help get my mother to Illinois. Many books are had, and like I said months ago, IIIIIII will be listing those here for you all to peruse!

Until then, Yuengling. :3
in which SCARYWIZARD rams a bunch of artist's works down your throats

So I like to sperg aruond on the Dungeons & Dragons and Tabletop RPGs groups, and there are some threads where people post pictures! Of their characters! Well, let me tell you, not everybody knows how to draw. It's very difficult for some people, that, what with the manipulation of a small object...
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