So, I like to play and run older editions of Dungeons & Dragons (as well as 5th~), and decided to start a game on RPoL. They use the FREE Blueholme rules.
If you're interested, check the game out, and put in an application! Just follow the posting guidelines, and we're golden. These rules are based on some of the simplest, oldest Dungeons & Dragons rules from 1977.
More information - Blueholme: Blueholme is free, and can be gotten on DriveThruRPG -- it's the Blueholme Prentice Rules that prospective Players are going to want. Races and classes are "limited", but I've house-ruled in some legroom... These rules emulate John Eric Holmes' Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set -- or, as some "old school" gamers might call it, the "Blue Box". The Blue Box was released in 1977 as an introduction to the game for newer Players, as well as younger Players, and had instructions on how to sort of segue into the >Advanced Dungeons & Dragons rules that were released that same year. On its own, however, it's perfectly playable! I should know, I'm in a game using the original rules as a player, and was born twelve years after those rules were written down.
More Information - Setting: Nerath! It's the setting that was the generic setting for the 4th Edition of Dungeons & Dragons. I like how it's very barebones, so you can just build and build and build on it... if players want their Player Characters to come from Greyhawk, their best friend's homebrew setting, whatever that Magic: The Gathering setting's being called these days (sister played it, I was too high-strung when she tried to teach me but simmered down in time for Dungeons & Dragons lessons), Dark Sun, or some other world, then that's fine, too. I'm not gonna split hairs over these things, it's all a game of make-believe and have fun, after all.
More Information - Game Master: Lots of experience as a player, and a fair amount as a Game Master (and unwitting backseat Game Master...) via message boards. So, I've seen a lot of what "works", and what "doesn't work". I like to encourage people to role play and roll play in equal measure, so they don't get too bored. My favourite thing to end Game Master posts with, is, "What do you do?", and I learned how to play by ear from this one guy whose catchphrase was, "And then...".