do you ever feel like you have a total connection with someone and then look at them one day and realize that you have absolutely no idea who they are and that everything that they think they know about you just isn't who you are anymore? the connection was so good that you just can't give up the relationship but it is just based on memories now. how do you start to move forward? it's almost like you stay stuck in the past everytime you are around them. i almost wish i could just sit down, get them drunk and ask them who the fuck are you? don't tell me who you are with me - who are YOU? what held us together must still be there,it just got lost. well, i feel that way about everyone now. is there a point in relationships when you just feel like if you grow that relationship is just keeping you in that same place? maybe this is why my group of friends tends to completely change every few years. surely there is a connection that runs deeper than taste in music and how often you want to party, have "deep" conversation, etc.
I think we have all been there. Its not easy to face, and a little sad. I find a lot of my old friends i no longer connect too