Hello @MISSY @RAMBO @LYXZEN, the homework for this week is very inspiring for me but I've two heroes and I couldn't choose between both of them!
So, my heroes are Franky Costanza and Shawter of Dagoba :
Frank is the drummer of Dagoba, he's one of my hero since I'm 16 years old, now he's one of my precious friends, he's one of the most funny guy, he's patient and generous with everybody, loyal with his fans, friends and family but he has a particulor humor ( OHGOSH it's not necessarily funny every time ahahah) and he's the best Metal Drummer I've ever seen on stage! I would never thank him enough for all that he made for me ( Clothes from his brand Serial Drummer, Share of his Facebook Page...) and He is always there today for all the rest <3
Shawter is the singer of Dagoba and he's the strongest person who I know, his lyrics and his voice are the things are which most make me love Dagoba. He's one of the most positive people who I know and a real example for the young audience of Dagoba!
Credits : Emilie Garcin and Morgane Khouni