Hi, I'm back.... Slovenia was amazing, but over way too quick!!! Weather was reasonably good and it was soooo peaceful... managed get lots of hiking and reading done. Really is such a beautiful country... for those who know it I stayed by Lake Bohinj, for those who don't, where I stayed is basically a big lake surrounded by mountains in the National Park. Well I...
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Ha ha sorted it now...


...Delete: Ok so one little typo in 'beautiful' D'oH...

[Edited on Jun 07, 2004 10:35AM]
Did you know that you can edit your journals? I can show you how!
I am so frickin' excited about tommorow! What time are you getting there?
Well its about time!! My new boots have finally arrived and bonus they fit!!

Well tomorrows the big day, Slovenia here I come, is gonna be really good, but first holiday by myself ooer, sure I'll still have a laugh though! biggrin

Will try and upload my pics etc... when I get back, play nice...

Cya tongue
It was gonna be all black but i'm having some second thoughts about it. I'm basically gonna take that design and adapt it to suit.
Have a good time on your hols btw! I'm so jealous! What do you mean play nice?! Don't we always?! wink
Have a nice holiday smile
Well only 8 days till my holiday, not that i'm counting or anything! wink

Then its the Download festival, can't wait, is anyone else out there going???
yay have fun!
West Midlands, eh? So who do you support?
Ok I'm back..... Just about recovered after the weekend... Paintball was great fun got to play around with smoke grenades and flash bangs too... got a few bruises but nothing too major... my legs are killing me though. With all the diving on the floor and crawling around, I've done myself a mischief blackeyed .

NOFX were fantastic, first time I've seen them live and they...
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I put in a good word for you on the SGUK group. Hope you get in soon xx smile
*searches for Shropshire on the map* my computer is getting iller by the day, the offer is very tempting, thankyou. smile
Finally, its nearly the weekend... didn't think it would ever get here...

So whats everyone doing this weekend?? I'm out at a friends tomorrow, then off paintballing Sat and going to see NOFX on Sunday so busy busy busy...

Whats new... well I've had my hair cut (grade 2), bought a Descendants album, my new boots are still 'Back Ordered' (nothing new there) and my...
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Well here I am day two of membership and what can I say, two messages from Sg's... Hi Edea/Vicky thanks for the messages!!! smile

Was back to work today (it was a bankholiday in the UK yesterday) but typically had to try and do two days work in one so I'm reasonably knackered at the mo... frown

But....going to see NOFX on Sunday, it's gonna be amazing!!!...
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NOFX always is a good show.
welcome to SGland, kid.biggrin
Aw n/p! You wouldn't believe how many UK members there are as well as Welsh! There were nearly 30 of us at a meet-up on friday! There are also now 20 UK SGs! The UKSG group is the place to be but you have to apply to get in.
Hope you have been finding your way around here ok, give me a shout if you've got any queries! smile
So here we are another newbie to SG....be gentle... wink
Hi! Hey that's not bad going, first day here and already 2 SGs have said hi smile
What can I say smile just lucky I guess!! Hi Edea/Vicky thanks for the comments....