Honey I'm home... Not been a member for a while. Did you miss me?
I'm kind of back never seem to spend much time on here anymore... well I've moved house now and have broadband!! so I should have no excuses to come on more often

Hi everyone long time no speak....
Long story short had computer problems, but now i'm back (although had to buy a new one)
How is everyone???
Long story short had computer problems, but now i'm back (although had to buy a new one)
How is everyone???
Ho ho ho
I'm back in SG. I'm sorry I left for a short while, but I missed it so much
I'm back in SG. I'm sorry I left for a short while, but I missed it so much
Hi everyone...
Can't believe how much I have been having to work for the last couple of weeks to get everything done. Have been working 10 hour days most of the time...
Ok so I know there will be peeps out there who work more hours but damn it im knackered and don't feel like i've had two minutes to myself in months...
Sorry to...
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Can't believe how much I have been having to work for the last couple of weeks to get everything done. Have been working 10 hour days most of the time...
Ok so I know there will be peeps out there who work more hours but damn it im knackered and don't feel like i've had two minutes to myself in months...

Sorry to...
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ack dude, that's fucked. ah well, at leats as you say they didn't scarper with the cam. how anyone would have the nerve to rob your tent while you're in it though. we've been untouched by the fickle hand of fate as to yet, luckily.
Yea, dropkicks were ace. They played the pogues cover when i saw them in december (obviously it was more apt then) but yea. Bit unhappy we missed the start, but still. Did they play fields of athenry? i really can't remember!!! heheheh
Yea, dropkicks were ace. They played the pogues cover when i saw them in december (obviously it was more apt then) but yea. Bit unhappy we missed the start, but still. Did they play fields of athenry? i really can't remember!!! heheheh
hi, just letting you know that the choices for the bookgroup are up for voting on.

Hi all,
Well the giving up smoking is still happening...not going too badly really, although the way this week is going at the moment
Not really anything new to report.... no new purchases really, not had time for any lunch breaks in the last week or so which is when I make most of my buys...
although saying that I did find a shop which...
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Well the giving up smoking is still happening...not going too badly really, although the way this week is going at the moment

Not really anything new to report.... no new purchases really, not had time for any lunch breaks in the last week or so which is when I make most of my buys...
although saying that I did find a shop which...
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Any idea if you can force yourself to come on Saturday?!
We're expanding plans for Saturday's SGUK Meet in Nottingham... We're now thinking, of adding Nightmare and the after-party to the night/early hours, ending with breakfast or brunch on the Sunday morning...
Since we're all far too lazy and cheap to get a hotel room, or pay for an evil taxi driver to dump us half-mile from our home, it makes genuine economical sense. I swear.
We're expanding plans for Saturday's SGUK Meet in Nottingham... We're now thinking, of adding Nightmare and the after-party to the night/early hours, ending with breakfast or brunch on the Sunday morning...
Since we're all far too lazy and cheap to get a hotel room, or pay for an evil taxi driver to dump us half-mile from our home, it makes genuine economical sense. I swear.

yep, your right, but soem people =shit more than others lol 

Hi guys... don't worry I've not forgotten about you!!
I just got made permanent at work Yay me!! start proper on 28th June... although I've been working there for over a year so nothing much will change...
Also as some of you guys know I'm tryin to give up smoking (again)... Had my last cig on Sunday (at the meet) and at the moment its...
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I just got made permanent at work Yay me!! start proper on 28th June... although I've been working there for over a year so nothing much will change...
Also as some of you guys know I'm tryin to give up smoking (again)... Had my last cig on Sunday (at the meet) and at the moment its...
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hello again sir.
How's the no smoking going? Congrats on startin permanent today. Har har
How's it going? You going to Stoke meet on July 31st? I reckon I should be, all being well. Just tryintg to talk the missus round
How's the no smoking going? Congrats on startin permanent today. Har har
How's it going? You going to Stoke meet on July 31st? I reckon I should be, all being well. Just tryintg to talk the missus round
yea, Nottingham is off for me too. Woman business
I would say you wanna meet up for a drink some time, but it's not like either of ius can just get a bus. Dammit. Stoke (Well, Newcastle Under Lyme) it is

I would say you wanna meet up for a drink some time, but it's not like either of ius can just get a bus. Dammit. Stoke (Well, Newcastle Under Lyme) it is
Hi all,
So yesterday was the Midlands Meet and it was great fun, really nice bunch of peeps as well...
Can't wait for the next one
Sooo back to work today and it was actually alright didn't get hastled too much yay! Fingers crossed the rest of the week will be as good...
So yesterday was the Midlands Meet and it was great fun, really nice bunch of peeps as well...
Can't wait for the next one

Sooo back to work today and it was actually alright didn't get hastled too much yay! Fingers crossed the rest of the week will be as good...
aww poop I missed it 

aww glad it was fun, will try and get to the next one
My set in in the hopefuls group and in my candids
I haven't posted all the piccies though as I didnt like some of them

Well ok so I have finally uploaded the pics (Download, SGB and a few holiday snaps).
The new folders are:
SG Burlesque Show - Download 2004
Download 2004
Let me know what you think...
The new folders are:
SG Burlesque Show - Download 2004
Download 2004
Let me know what you think...
I was thinking the same thing about the piccy. That would have been nice
Ah well, next time we must remember!

Ah well, next time we must remember!
Hey there! That goes down as a successful first meet in my book. Good to finally mmeet up with some fellow SGers.
Drop me an e-mail through my profile and I'll send you back a copy of the SG wallpaper files.
Drop me an e-mail through my profile and I'll send you back a copy of the SG wallpaper files.
Holiday Snaps from Slovenia
You were here on holidays?
will you come again? 

SG Burlesque show - Download 2004
Band Pics from Download 2004
So back from Download (which was fantastic by the way (loads of great bands)) and first day back at work today after my two weeks off, great!
Came back from Download Sunday night so at least I had yesterday to chill and recover from the weekend before having to go in...
Still not long now till Reading yay!
Didn't forget about pics, honest... I will...
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Came back from Download Sunday night so at least I had yesterday to chill and recover from the weekend before having to go in...
Still not long now till Reading yay!

Didn't forget about pics, honest... I will...
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Hey there! You look so different in real life! It was lovely to meet you, sorry if i was a bit aahhhhggg but it was a very hectic weekend! Did you see the Burlesque show?
Can't wait for the pics!
Can't wait for the pics!
you still coming to the birmingham meet? if you are then i look forward to seeing you
how're you anyway? x

how're you anyway? x