Today is gonna be a great day! I've got my Dunkin Donuts Munchkins (which I haven't had since I was a kid) and a day off!!! Bring on the football
Going out to eat with my wonderful family tonight and reuniting with one of my childhood best friends that I haven't seen since I was 12! And it is a gorgeous day in Atlanta...yep, today is gonna rock my face off! Hope everyone has a good one...xoxo

I miss baseball too, I have been having fun speculating on where people will go, who will wind up with what awards, things of that nature, but it's not the same. Of course I usually have football to distract me, but my Cowboys fucking suck this year so that's not a good distraction. College Hockey on the other hand is good, but I can't get my teams games so not so distracting. How many days til pitchers and catchers report to camp?